Content Posted in 2024
1955 Provisional Charter of Molloy Catholic College for Women, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1960 Absolute Charter of Molloy Catholic College for Women, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1965 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy Catholic College for Women, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1971 Amendment to Charter of Molloy Catholic College for Women, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1976 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1984 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
1988 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2003 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College (BFA), Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2003 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College (MBA), Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2005 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2010 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2015 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2022 Amendment to the Charter of Molloy College, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
2024 Recorded Presentations, Molloy University
A 20-Year History of Black Greek-Letter Organization Research and Scholarship, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Jassmin D. Weathers; and Michael A. Jones
Academic Librarians' Opinions on Social Justice Advocacy, Judith L. Brink Drescher
Academic Librarians' Opinions on Social Justice Advocacy, Judith L. Brink Drescher
A Convergence of Violence: Structural Violence Experiences of K–12, Black, Disabled Males across Multiple Systems, Gavyitri Kavita Indar, Christine Sharon Barrow, and Warren E. Whitaker Ph.D.
A Critical Exploration of Unequal School Funding: Teacher Job Satisfaction Across Underfunded and Well-Funded Schools, David Tomasic
Addressing the Service Capacity Needs of Community Nonprofit Organizations: A Mission-Focused Business School, Dawn DiStefano DPS and Brian O'Neill
A Different Take on Diversity: The Constructive Use of Differences, Judith L. Brink Drescher
A Grounded Theory of the Influence of Black Greek-lettered Organizations on the Persistence of African Americans at a Predominantly White Institution, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
A Multi-institutional Analysis of Greek Affiliation and Academic/ Involvement Outcomes for African American College Students, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D. and John A. Gipson
An effective model for the iris regional characteristics andclassification using deep learning alex network, Thiyaneswaran Balashanmugam, Kumarganesh Sengottaiyan, Martin Sagayam Kulandairaj, and Helen Dang
An Individual of Feeling: Emotion, Gender, and Subjectivity in Historical Perspectives on Sensibility, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Annual Report of the President, 1964-1965, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1965-1966, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1966-1967, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1967-1968, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1970-1971, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1972-1973, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1973-1974, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Annual Report of the President, 1974-1975, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
A Novel Framework for Building Organizational Capabilities, Alexander Chan
A Novel Hybrid K-Means and GMM Machine Learning Model for Breast Cancer Detection, P. Esther Jebarani, N. Umadevi, Helen Dang, and Marc Pomplun
A Parent's Experience During Their Autistic Child's In-Home Music Therapy, Dana Raicaldo
A Small Festschrift in a Big World (Chapter 1), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Daniel L. Dinsmore
Attitudes About Inclusivity Among Preservice Educators: A Mixed Methods Approach, Kathleen M. Quinn
Automated sleep stage classification in sleep apnoea using convolutional neural networks, G. Naveen Sundar, D. Narmadha, A. Amir Anton Jone, K. Martin Sagayam, Helen Dang, and Marc Pomplun
Beaches, Bumps, and Milkshakes: A Humanizing, Open, and Dialogic, Postformal Autoethnographic Study of an Experiential Learning Academy, Eric Anthony Karahalis
Being Good for Something: The Intersection of Care and Critical Theories (Chapter 7), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Hope E. Wilson
Beyond Selection and Practice: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Lived Experiences of K-5 Literacy Curriculum Leaders in Long Island, NY, Mary Elizabeth Pettit
Birth Privilege as White Privilege, Jennifer Scuro PhD
Black Male Persistence in Spite of Facing Stereotypes in College: A Phenomenological Exploration, Taylor Benjamin Hardy Boyd M.Ed. and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Black Parent Engagement Through the Lens of Critical Consciousness, Marie Flore Stamps
“Bridges to Nowhere”: Rethinking Summer Bridge Programs for Historically Underrepresented Students, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Building a community of practice: shifting an M.Ed. program to a PDS school-based cohort model, Elizabeth Hale, Hope E. Wilson, Lauren Gibbs, Jessie Didier, and Carolyne Ali-Khan
Building Nonprofit Capabilities to Continue Growing After Starting with COVID-Driven Demand, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Thomas Bloecker, and Evan Rudolfsky
Certificate Presentation, Dr. Audrey Cohan EdD
Characterizing the Touchstones of Educational Leadership: An Analysis of Distinguished Applied Doctorate Programs, Julie Carson and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Chrysalis yearbook, 1974, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1975, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1976, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1977, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1978, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1979, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1980, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1981, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1982, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1983, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1984, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1985, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1986, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1987, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1988, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1990, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1991, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1992, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1993, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1994, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1995, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1996, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1997, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1998, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Chrysalis yearbook, 1999, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Circulating Emotion: Race, Gender, and Genre in Crash, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Clinical practice patterns of speech-language pathologists for screening and identifying dysphagia, Matthew Dumican, Zoë Thijs Ph.D., and Kaitlynn Harper
Closing the Gap Between Theory and Practice to Promote Equity in STEM: Coaching Teachers with UDL Strategies to Empower Students, Debbie Langone
Comparing the Impact of Client-Led Music Therapy with Autistic Clients Enrolled in an Applied Behavior Analysis Program Versus Those in Standard Care, Annie Fitzgerald
Consorting with Criminality: The Female Detective in Killing Eve, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Cotter Preceptor Selection Instrument (CPSI), Elizabeth Cotter Ph.D, R.N.
Crassostra Virginca and Microplastics in The Great South Bay, Aiden Watson and Elizabeth Suter
Cultural Competence and Motivation to Control Prejudiced Reactions of Criminal Justice Students: A Survey Methods Approach, Carole Marguerite Byrd
Culturally Responsive Leadership: The Lived Experiences of Mid-Level Administrators in Public Education Navigating Competing Priorities, Ann Marie Bucco
Culture and AI: The Impact of Uncertainty Avoidance on Human-AI Teammate Interdependence and Trust, Gayle O'Keefe and Micah Minarik
Current Workplace Experiences of Neurodivergent Music Therapists, Ana Odasso Weschenfelder
“Deafinitely” Awesome: Children who are deaf and their path to social success., Emily Fick and Hia Datta Ph.D.
Descriptive, Comparative, and Correlational Study Related to End-of-Life Care Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak (Time 1) and 12 Months Following Lockdown (Time2), Elizabeth Infante
Digital Commons Annual Summary 2023, Tabitha Ochtera MLIS, MBA
Dirty secrets and silent conversations: Exploring radical listening through embodied autoethnographic teaching, Carolyne Ali-Khan
Discovery Panel I & II, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Allen Jones, Christian Haenger, James Hammons, Fen Lu, and Randy Oldham
Diversity in American Graduate Education Admissions: Twenty-first-century Challenges and Opportunities, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D. and Elizabeth A. Daniele
Does Gender Matter in Black Greek-Lettered Organizations?, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part III, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part IV, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part V: Environmental Scan of Higher Education, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Driving Visitor Acquisition and Engagement for a New Museum Celebrating the History of Disabilities, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Harley Maresca, and Ishita Sharma
Edward Boccia: A Crossroads of Italian-American History and Art, Audrey Michlig and Rosa JH Berland
Effects of Music on Memory, Jordan Gilbert and Jennifer C. Elliott PhD
Elementary English Language Learners' Perceptions of Teacher Care in the Classroom, Carol Boodram-Wright
Ensemble Storytelling: Dramatic Television Seriality, The Melodramatic Mode, And Emotions, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Evaluating universities Twitter web pages responding to the Black Lives Matter movement, Hind Albadi and Thomas Kenny
Evaluation of Caring Behaviors in High-Fidelity Simulation Following a Caring Concept Educational Intervention, Debra Ann McWilliams
Expanding Respite Care Services to Meet Demand and Increase Organizational Competitiveness, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Christopher Mallozzi, Kaylee Fernandez, and Robert Mongitore
Experiences in Vocal Psychotherapy of a Music Therapy Intern with Post-Covid Symptoms, Kyungwon Matilda Choi
Exploring Music Therapists' Experiences of Utilizing a Family-Based Approach with Children Receiving Palliative Care, Faith Anne Agolia
Exploring the Lived Experience of Significant Other Caregivers Providing Care to Partners Surviving a Spinal Cord Injury, Lisa Ann Lumley
Family Caregivers: From Invisible to Visible Within the Healthcare Continuum, Tara Anglim
Female Spectators (14.1), E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1959, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1960, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1961, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1962, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1964, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1965, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1966, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1967, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1968, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1969, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1970, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1971, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1972, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fleur De Lis yearbook, 1973, Molloy University Archives and Special Collections
Fluvoxamine reverses PTGS2 gene expression and cellular metabolism changes caused by SARS-CoV-2 N protein, Doriah Thomas, Martin Garcia, Katherine Rodriguez, and Mary Kusenda
Frameworks for Balancing Care and Excellence in Higher Education (Chapter 2), Daniel L. Dinsmore and Carolyne Ali-Khan
Friendships and Retention at a Historically Black University: A Quantitative Case Study, Mondrail Myrick; John A. Gipson; and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
From Adolescence to Adulthood - Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Kimberly Jaipersaud and Jaime Vitrano PhD
From Classrooms to Boardrooms: Enhancing Mentorship Programs Through Strategic Partnerships on Long Island, Rose M. Lavelle MBA, Paige DeMaria, Michael Browne, and Jessenia Navas
Funding Undocumented Latino/a Students in Public Higher Education Institutions in the United States, Bianca Ortiz and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Funding U.S. Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Policy Recommendation, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Going in Thinking Process, Coming Out Transformed: Reflections and Recommendations from a Qualitative Research Course, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Elizabeth Byron; Jeffrey Cross; O.J. Oleka; Stephanie Van Eps; Phyllis Clark; and Natalie Sajko
"Hail to the King[s], Baby" Arthur vs Army of Darkness, Jeff Massey Ph.D. and Tabitha Ochtera MLIS, MBA
Hands on Learning with CS/DF Standards, Anna Nugent, Kiera Vanbuskirk, Taylor Bentze, and Madeline Craig
Happiness, Trust, and Mental Fitness in the Workplace: Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Harnessing the power of anti-Inflammatory additives: A journey towards modulating microglial responses, Doriah Thomas, Martin Garcia, Katherine Rodriguez, and Mary Kusenda
"Healing Takes Practice" Increase Knowledge of Trauma-informed Practice through Focused Supervision to work with children who have experienced sexual abuse., Diana Guzman and Lois Carey
Hidden Identity: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Black Male Identity Development at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Therron Rogers Ph.D. and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Higher Education Underperformance, PreCovid19!, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
High School Counselors as Social Capital for Low-Income Students in a Career Academy High School Model: A Case Study, Onyejindu Oleka Ph.D. and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Black Greek-Lettered Organizations in the “Post-Racial” Era of Accountability, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
How 9/11 Changed the Movies: The Tony Scott Barometer, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
How a Nonprofit Turned to Retail to Help Fulfill Its Mission, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Erika Sanchez, Brianna Macias, and Bridget Walters
Interplay of Quorum-Sensing Molecules and Yeast Growth Dynamics: Insights from Strain-Specific Responses, Lynn Jacques, Lauren Bentejac, Cristhian Granda, Natalie Moussa, Christopher Chery, Eimaan Shamoon, Robeily Moran, and Li Li
Intersectionality to Social Justice = Theory to Practice, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Intersectional Value? A Pilot Study Exploring Educational Outcomes for African American Women in Historically Black Sororities versus Non-historically Black Sororities, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; John A. Gipson; Jakia Marie; and Tiffany Steele
Intersections of trauma and grief: Navigating multilayered terrain in music therapy to support youth through bereavement, Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC
Introduction (to Emotional Expressionism), E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Introduction to Intersectionality & Higher Education: Theory, Research, & Praxis, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Introduction to Student Involvement & Academic Outcomes, Krista M. Soria; John A. Gipson; and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Investigating the Influence of Prenatal Metals Exposures on Childhood Mitochondrial Biomarkers, Z'Dhanne Williams
IoT Based Virtual Reality Game for Physio-therapeutic Patients, K. Martin Sagayam, Shibin D, Helen Dang, Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, and Radzi Ambar
JETstream Fall 2024, Nancy Anzalone, Tim Hasin, Tabitha Ochtera, Marianna Czeisel, David Nochimson, Gillian Demetriou, and Brianna Paoli
Journals in the Field of Higher Education: A Racial Analysis, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Jamillya Hardley; Darius Jordan; and Michael Couch
Journeying Towards Connection in a Culture Circle with Six K-12 Educators: An Autoethnographic Study of Critical Praxis, Christine Daniels
Keynote address, Dr. Jodi F. Evans Ph.D.
Kindergarten Quandaries: Social Pragmatics of Children who Experienced Remote Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic., Gabriella Ramos and Hia Datta
Laryngeal symptoms related to motor phenotypes in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review, Zoë Thijs Ph.D. and Matthew Dumican
Learning Race and Racism While Learning: Experiences of International Students Pursuing Higher Education in the Midwestern United States, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Tiffany Steele; Jakia Marie; and Kathryn Timm
Learning Services Student Advisory Group, Susan Bloom
Leganto Reserves+ flier, Susan Bloom
Linking Business and Healthcare for the Greater Good, Michael Messina and Dawn DiStefano DPS
Lung_PAYNet: a pyramidal attention based deep learning network for lung nodule segmentation, P. Malin Bruntha, S. Immanuel Alex Pandian, K. Martin Sagayam, Shivargha Bandopadhyay, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
Making Way: A Methods Experiment with Arts-Based Embodied Postformal Autoethnography to Prepare for Research-As-Community Building with a Diverse Urban Elementary School, Kelly Elizabeth Bare
Maximizing Operating Efficiency in Higher Ed, Jessica Dillon and Dawn DiStefano DPS
Melodrama and the Aesthetics of Emotion, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Meningioma brain tumor detection and classifcation using hybrid CNN method and RIDGELET transform, B.V Prakash, A. Rajiv Kanna, N. Santhiyakumari, S. Kumarganesh, D. Siva Sundhara Raja, J. Jasmine Hephzipah, K. Martin Sagayam, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
Mental Health of Incarcerated Individuals, Hunter Shectman and Jaime Vitrano
Metaverse’s Rise and Decline, Nir Kshetri, Jeffrey Voas, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Diana Rojas Torres, and Gayle O'Keefe
Modifed Playfair for Text File Encryption and Meticulous Decryption with Arbitrary Fillers by Septenary Quadrate Pattern, N. Sugirtham, R. Sherine Jenny, B. Thiyaneswaran, S. Kumarganesh, C. Venkatesan, K. Martin Sagayam, Lam Dang, Linh DInh, and Helen Dang
Mr. Monk and the Emotion-Reason Dilemma, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Multilingual Learners' and Their Teachers' Perceptions of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Practices in the Mainstream Classroom: A Mixed-Method Approach, Nicki K. Gonias
Music Therapy Perspectives in Popayan by Music Graduates From the Universidad Del Cauca, Laura Piedad Parra Acosta
Narratives That Matter: Special Education Teacher Stories and Experiences in Educating Black Students with Disabilities, Alana Akilah Thomas
National Survey of Student Engagement Findings at a Historically Black Institution: Does Student Engagement Impact Persistence?, Mondrail Myrick; D. Jason DeSousa; and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Navigating Whiteness: A Critical Autoethnography of the Lived Experience of a Black Female Administrator in the Predominantly White Spaces of Higher Education, Sheila Miranda Russell
On the “Border Line of Tragedy”: White Slavery, Moral Protection, and the Travelers’ Aid Society of New York, 1885-1917, Eric C. Cimino
Operational Risk, Capital Regulation, and Model Risk, Robert T. Stewart
Operation Fast and [We're Serious], Daniel Miedema and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Optimizing an Imaging Protocol to Quantify Mitochondrial Transfer, Z'Dhanne Williams, Edwin Hernandez, and Jodi F. Evans Ph.D.
Optimizing the Strategy Map With Customer Experience Spectrum, Alexander Chan
Order and Disorder: Rational Acumen and Emotional Incompetence in the Television Detective Story, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Plasmid-Borne Biosynthetic Gene Clusters within a Permanently Stratified Marine Water Column, Paraskevi Mara, David Geller-McGrath, Elizabeth A. Suter, Gordon T. Taylor, Maria G. Pachiadaki, and Virginia P. Edgcomb
Practicing what we preach: An understanding of vocal hygiene knowledge and practices in professional voice-users, Carolyn Nicholson and Hia Datta
Preface to Intersectionality & Higher Education: Theory, Research, & Praxis, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
PREFATORY: Informing Higher Education Policy and Practice Through Intersectionality, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D. and Don C. Sawyer III
Primo/Summon Panel: Three Years After, Christian Haenger, Allen Jones, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek, Knut Anton Bøckman, Ken Herold, and Stacey Van Groll
Privacy Preserving Attribute-Focused Anonymization Scheme for Healthcare Data Publishing, J. Andrew Onesimu, Karthikeyan J, Jennifer Eunice, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
"Quadruple Consciousness”: A Literature Review and New Theoretical Consideration for Understanding the Experiences of Black Gay and Bisexual College Men at Predominantly White Institutions, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D. and Darris R. Means
Ready to Practice? An Examination of New Graduates’ Feelings of Confidence and Preparedness to Practice as a Registered Nurse, Mary Stevenson, Jennifer Emilie Mannino PhD, and Lisa Lumley PhD
Rebounding After Loss: A Nonprofit Organization’s Recovery After the Untimely Death of Its Founder, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Jaclyn Schuman, and Shane Salam
Reforming Gendered Tenure Policies in U.S. Higher Education: A Policy Recommendation, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Abigail Johnson; and Laura Poglitsch
Relationships of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Maternity Nurses Caring for Patients who Succumbed to Maternal Mortality, Debra Joy Mendelson
Review of the Book Black Graduate Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Trends, Experiences and Outcomes, by R. T. Palmer, A. A. Hilton, and T. P. Fountaine (Eds.), Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Roll-Up Strategy-Challenges, Opportunities, and Roller Coasters?, Steven Kent
Seduction, Control, & the Search for Authenticity: Madonna's Truth or Dare, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
"She Didn't Know How to Work with Black Kids" Exploring How Adolescent Black Girls in Private, Predominantly White Institutions Perceive Their White Teachers' Ability to Affirm and Uplift Their Intersectional Identities, Florence Marie Prophete-Barbour
Should HBCUs Pursue High-Capacity Fundraising Presidents?, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Social Capital in the Workplace: An Examination of New Nurses’ First Job Experiences and Their Plans to Remain in the Profession, Kathy Leistner, Mary Stevenson, Jennifer Hahl, Fadjana Joseph, Kimberly Campbell-Taylor, Lisa A. Lumley MS, and Jennifer Emilie Mannino PhD
Sources and content of popular online videos about autism spectrum disorders, Betty Kollia, Margaret T. Kamowski-Shakibai, Corey H. Basch, and Ashley Clark
Storied Feelings: Emotions, Culture, Media, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Strategic pleasure: Gendered anger as collective emotion in WANTED, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Strategic Solutions for Effective Data Collection and Analysis in Nonprofit Organizations, Rose M. Lavelle MBA
Super-resolution reconstruction of brain magnetic resonance images via lightweight autoencoder, J. Andrew, T.S.R. Mhatesh, Robin D. Sebastin, K. Martin Sagayam, Jennifer Eunice, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
Support Vector Machine Classifier, Abel Parada and Hyokyeong Lee
Talk Back: Summon / 360 Q&A, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Alisha Quagliana, Angela Sidman, Brent Cook, Yuval Kiselstein, and Amy Pemble
The Cognitive and Affective Components of Organizational Identification, Brian O'Neill
The Dating and Hooking up Experience of Black Women at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Patricia P. Carver Ph.D., CPA and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
The Development of Professional Identity and the Impact of Counselor Educators: Examining the Role of Observational Learning and Self-Efficacy, Kellyanne Brady
The Driving Forces behind Changes in Catholic Schools in the Eastern Region of the United States, Denise T. Smith
The Effects of Code Switching Dialects for Black and Brown Professionals, Ashley Beaujuin and Hia Datta
The Effects of Covid-19 on Substance Use Among College Students, Madison M. Wakely, Halle Trahey, Nicholas Bolognini, and Jennifer C. Elliott PhD
The Effects of Screen Time and Sleep Quality on Cognitive Function in College Students, Halle R. Trahey and Jennifer C. Elliott Ph.D
The Euroweek Experience: Supporting Sustainable Development Through Academic Programs Promoting Student Research, Technology Innovation and the Commercialization Process, Meryl Rosenblatt, Ishita Sharma, and Mya Ferreiro
The Experience of an Autistic and Neurotypical Sibling Dyad in Improvisational Music Therapy, Gianna DeRusso
The Experiences of Black Women Senior Student Affairs Officers: A Multiple-Case Study, Tamekka L. Cornelius Ph.D and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
The Experiences of Stigma Amongst Practicing Music Therapists Living with Depression and/or Anxiety: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, Hally Batterman
The Experiences of Stress and Resilience on the Allostatic Load of Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Individuals During Secondary School: How Their Experiences Can Inform Best Practices, Kimberly Skye Ferina
The Importance of Humor as a Leadership Skill, Bruce Haller
The Influence of Stress and Academic Performance on Non-Essential Shopping Behaviors In University Students, Kimberly Jaipersaud and Jennifer C. Elliott PhD
The Link between Drug Addiction and Emotional Dysregulation: The Mechanisms behind this Relationship, Halle Trahey and Jamie Vitrano Ph.D
The Media’s Influence on Disordered Eating and Body Dysmorphia in Males and Females, Alexis Kotanidis and Jamie Vitrano
Theorizing the Effect of Organizational Identification on Vacation Time Usage Among Remote Workers, Brian O'Neill and Jaclyn Schuman
The Relationship Between Being a Collegiate Student-Athlete and Mental Health, Madison M. Wakely and Jaime Vitrano PhD
The Socio-Emotional Journey of a Family Separated Due to Deportation, Alma G. Rocha
The Supervisors are Carrying the Bag: The Nurses' Emergency Council, Settlement Houses, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New York City, Eric C. Cimino
Tip Your HAT to Your New Teammate, Gayle O'Keefe and Micah Minarik
Transitioning from GPA Requirements to Holistic Application Reviews, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Transport for Seniors Within a Community -There Is a Need But Is There a Way?, Steven Kent
Understanding Speech-Language Pathologists and their Views in Palliative Care, Harrison Fiumaro and Hia Datta
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Tenured, Non-native Spanish Speaker-teachers: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Native Speaker Fallacy, Orsola Giovanna Dutra
Unlocking Patterns: Simplifying Complex Data Analysis with KNN Classification, Louis Catala and Hyokyeong Lee PhD
Use of Andexanet Alfa for Factor Xa Inhibitor Reversal in US Verified Trauma Centers: A National Survey, Charles Fasanya MD, FRCS, FACS; Abenamar Arrillaga MD, FACS, FCCP; Catherine Caronia MC, MBA; Lauren Rothburd BS; Tenzing Japhe BA; Younghee Hahn BS; Paul Joseph BS; Dajana Reci BA; and Patricia A. Eckardt PhD, RN, FAAN
Using eDNA to assess impacts of oyster restoration on ecosystem biodiversity at a heavily impacted coastal lagoon, Dominique Di Domenico, Emily Bonacchi, and Elizabeth Suter
Van Gogh: Changing Perceptions of Mental Illness and Art, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Victims, Heroes, and Villains: Imaginary Beings in Contemporary Television Serials, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Virtual and Hands-on Laboratory Environments in the Science Classroom: The Effect of Prior Science Achievement, Michael A. Marino Ed.D.
Visual-Saliency-Based Abnormality Detection for MRI Brain Images—Alzheimer’s Disease Analysis, A. Diana Andrushia, K. Martin Sagayam, Helen Dang, Marc Pomplun, and Lien Quach
Welcome, Dr. Melissa Gebbia
“We Live in Two Worlds”: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experiences of Foreign-Born U.S. College and University Presidents, Kristie S. Johnson Ph.D., CFRE; Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; and Jakia Marie Ph.D.
We think, we smell, we remember: The effect of smell on memory for chemistry lab learning, Michael A. Marino, Francine Wisnewski, Catherine Reilly, and Andre Alexis
Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe, Judith L. Brink Drescher