This series highlights faculty work from the School of Education. It is not limited to published articles but can include any type of published or unpublished works such as: articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, conference proceedings, data sets, editorials, keynotes, grey literature, lectures, presentation, posters, reports, and white papers. Each work’s record page includes all available citation information.
Starting in 2024, new submissions will be available in either Faculty Publications or Faculty Presentations.


Submissions from 2023


Co-Teaching With Multilingual Learners: Key Themes From Emerging Research, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.

Submissions from 2022


Leveraging Local Knowledge to Envision Educational Policy and Management Outside the Plunder of Neoliberal Technorationality [Editorial], Warren E. Whitaker Ph.D., Tricia M. Kress Ph.D., and Robert Lake

Submissions from 2021


Educator Perspectives on Both Sides of the Pandemic: Inspirations Taken from Hamilton, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Learning strategies in different environments: Self-regulated learning in traditional and online courses, Melissa Gebbia Ph.D. and Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.

Submissions from 2019


Can Conducting a Talking Circle about a Sensitive Topic Increase Participation for Elementary Aged Learners?, Patricia Lyons, Kaitlyn McCormack, Samantha Sauer, and Michelle Chamblin


Dewey in China: A Historical Look at His Message of Peace and Understanding, Charles F. Howlett Ph.D., Audrey Cohan Ed.D, and Mariola Krol


Engaging Flipgrid: Three Levels of Immersion, Madeline Craig


Exploring Agency for Equity in Teacher and Leadership Education Programs: A Self-study Approach, Joanna Alcruz Ph.D., Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., and Mubina Schroeder


Framework for collaborative teaching: Strengths and challenges for a different service paradigm in Haiti, Patricia Mason and Judith C. James-Borga


Peer-to-Peer Tech PD, Madeline Craig and Linda Kraemer


The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Student Content Knowledge in an Undergraduate, Teacher Preparatory, Foundations of Education Course, Madeline Craig Ed.D and Patricia N. Eckardt

Submissions from 2018


Critical Pedagogy and Educational Research, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Simone Amorim Ph.D.


Education as an Instrument for Peace and Democracy: Dewey's Perspective on the Rise of Nationalism, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Charles F. Howlett Ph.D.


From Mindfulness to Student Success, Carrie McDermott and Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D.


Walking with Freire: Exploring the Onto-Epistemological Dimensions of Critical Pedagogy, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Robert Lake

Submissions from 2017


An Important Scholarly Exercise: What it Takes to Write a Valuable Book Review and Why, Charles F. Howlett Ph.D.


Are You Ready for the Next Conversation? Hint: Faculty are the Key., Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.


Closing the Door on Standardized Test Preparation and Opening the Door to Next Generation Literacy, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Maureen Connolly Ed.D.


Global Conflicts Shattered World Peace: John Dewey's Influence on Peace Educators and Practitioners, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Charles F. Howlett Ph.D.


John Dewey and his Evolving Perceptions of Race Issues in American Democracy, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Charles F. Howlett Ph.D.


Junior High School Here We Come! Evaluating the Effects of a Summer Transition Workshop, Michelle Chamblin


Let’s Discuss Creative and Effective Online Discussion Forums, Madeline Craig and Linda Kraemer


Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFEs): Actionable Practices, Audrey Cohan Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


This is America: The Morris District's Potential to be a Model of School Diversity, Allison Roda Ph.D.


Using the ADAPT Strategy to Facilitate the Thinking Process of Creating Universal Design Based Instructional Adaptions and Differentiation in Lesson Plans for Diverse Learners, Michelle Chamblin

Submissions from 2016


An Instructional Framework to Support Content and Language Learning for ELLs: B-D-A, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D.


Creative Ways to Enhance Student Writing, Madeline Craig


Dirty secrets and silent conversations: Exploring radical listening through embodied autoethnographic teaching, Carolyne Ali-Khan


Integrated English as a New Language: Challenges and Solutions, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


John Dewey: His Role in Public Scholarship to Educate for Peace, Audrey Cohan Ed.D. and Charles F. Howlett Ph.D.


Listening for the Echoes: Radical Listening as Educator-Activist Praxis, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Kimberly J. Frazier-Booth


Negotiating cross-cultural, interfaith, and cross-linguistic identities of teacher education in professional and personal spaces, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Mubina Schroeder, and Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.


Progressive Education: Lesson from the Past and Present, Susan F. Semel, Alan R. Sadovnik, and Ryan W. Coughlan


Radically Listening to Radical Love: Toward Enactivism in Education and Educational Research, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Patricia Krueger-Henney


Seeing Through a Different LENS: Can Applying a Learning Strategy to Video Viewing Deepen Self-Reflection of Pre-Service Teachers?, Michelle Chamblin

Submissions from 2015


Academic Language Development: 3 Ways to Help Students Master Content, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Common Core Collaborations for the Sake of ELLs, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Utilizing the Writing Process to Develop Meaningful Arguments, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Maureen Connolly

Submissions from 2014


Analysis of the Implementations of an ESL Coteaching Model in a Suburban Elementary School, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Common Core, Common Language: Reforming Instructional Questioning, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D.


Divided We Fall: The Story of Separate and Unequal Suburban Schools 60 Years after Brown v. Board of Education, Allison Roda Ph.D., Douglas Ready, Amy Stuart Wells, Lauren Fox, Miya Warner, Tameka Spence, Elizabeth Williams, and Allen Wright


Multicultural education for learners with special needs in the twenty-first century, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Joanne O'Brien Ed.D.

Submissions from 2013


Classroom Management Strategies to Increase Student Collaboration, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Maria Dove Ed.D.


Introduction: Critical Pedagogy "Under the Radar" and "Off the Grid", Tricia M. Kress Ph.D., Donna DeGennaro Ph.D., and Patricia Pugh


School Choice Policies and Racial Segregation: Where White Parents’ Good Intentions, Anxiety, and Privilege Collide, Allison Roda Ph.D. and Amy Stuart Wells


Strategies to Assist English Language Learners in Accessing the Common Core Standards, Maria Dove Ed.D., Carissa Hagan, Aristea Lucas, and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.

Submissions from 2012


A Self-Study of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Reflective Practice, Ingrid Spatt, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., and Audrey Cohan Ed.D


A Teaching and Learning Model: A World Sociology Evidenced by Linking Common Social and Societal Realities through the Reciprocity of Thinking and Feelings, Marjorie Schiering Ph.D.


Collaboratively Partnering Schools and Colleges: A Classroom-Based Staff Development Model, Audrey Cohan Ed.D, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., and Jacqueline Nenchin Ph.D.


Cyberbullying: Taking Control through Research-Based Letter Writingdents, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Maureen Connolly


Differentiating between Learning Disabilities and Typical Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


From Co-teaching Partnership to Mentoring: Innovative Ways to Build Teacher Capacity, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., and Maria G. Dove Ed.D.


Still Separate, Still Unequal, But Not Always So "Suburban": The Changing Natured of Suburban School Districts in the New York Metropolitan Area, Allison Roda Ph.D., Amy Stuart Wells, Douglas Ready, Jacquelyn Duran, Courtney Grzesikowski, Kathryn Hill, Miya Warner, and Terrenda White

Submissions from 2011


A second set of eyes and ears: Observation protocol boosts skills for teachers of ELL students, Audrey Cohan Ed.D., Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., and Jacqueline Nenchin Ph.D.


Collaborative Conversations, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


High-Stakes Assessments and English Language Learners, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D.


Immigrant Literature in the Secondary English Classroom: Rationale and Recommendations, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., and James L. Garfinkel


The ABC of Teaching Diverse Learners, Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.

Submissions from 2010


Co-Teaching: 201, How to Support ELLs, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Maria Dove Ed.D.


From Isolation to Partnership: ESL co-teaching leads to teacher leadership, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Looking to Transform Learning: From Social Transformation in the Public Sphere to Authentic Learning in the Classroom, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Donna DeGennaro Ph.D.


Piloting a Pre-Referral Data Collection Tool: A Documentary Account, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D

Submissions from 2009


Ell Programs: Not ‘One Size Fits All’, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Grassroots Approach to Co-teaching for English Language Learners, Maria Dove Ed.D.


Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on Students' Achievement and Attitudes: Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Rita Dunn, Laura Shea Doolan, Marjorie Schiering Ph.D., Lena Bostrom, Karen Russo, Bernadyn Shu, and Henry Tenedero


Learning-Styles-Based Differentiated Instruction, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Sharon R. Parris


Say "Cheese" & More: ELLS, Cameras, and Language Development, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Science for the English Language Learner: Strategies to Enhance Comprehension, Allen Rauch and Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D.


Ten Ways to Incorporate Technology Into a TESOL Teacher Preparation Program, Audrey Cohan Ed.D, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., and Maureen Walsh Ed.D.


The Four Pillars of the Catholic Dominican Tradition: How They Support Reflective Dispositions in a Teacher Preparation Program, Audrey Cohan Ed.D., Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., and Bernadette Donovan


Why Boundaries Matter: A Study of Five Separate and Unequal Long Island School Districts, Allison Roda Ph.D., Amy Stuart Wells, Miya Warner, Bianca Baldridge, Jacquelyn Duran, Richard Lofton, Terrenda White, and Courtney Grzesikowski

Submissions from 2008


Loyalty Oaths and Academic Witch Hunts, Charles F. Howlett Ph.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D


Needs are Special, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Pre-service ESL teachers’ instructional discourse during one-on-one tutoring, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Vicky Giouroukakis Ph.D., Jacqueline Endres-Nenchin, and Lisa Peluso Ed.D.


Teaching Young Children to Read by Combining Music, Lyrics, and Text: How to Teach an Old Song New Tricks!, Maria Dove Ed.D.


The power of two: Lesson study and SIOP help teachers instruct ELLs, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D.


Using Video-microanalysis to Examine Identity Construction During Teacher Collaboration, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D.

Submissions from 2007


Allied Health Students' Learning-Styles Identified with Two Different Assessments, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., Rita Dunn, Dawn Morton-Rias, Ralph Terregrossa, Gene Geisert, Robert Mangione, and Samuel Ortiz


Incorporating "Lesson Study" in Teacher Preparation, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.

Submissions from 2006


Behavioral, cognitive, affective, and motivational dimensions of academic procrastination among community college students., Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.


Lesson study meets SIOP: Linking two successful professional development models, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D.

Submissions from 2005


In-Service Teacher Training: Around the World in Many Ways, Carrie McDermott and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.


Science Teacher Education: Assumptions, Standards, and Methodology of Science Instruction, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Audrey Cohan Ed.D

Submissions from 2004


Diverse Approaches to the Diversity of Learning Styles in Teacher Education, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Marjorie Schiering Ph.D.

Submissions from 2003


High School Male and Female Learning-Style Similarities and Differences in Diverse Nations, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Rita Dunn


Sustaining Technology in a Discovery Learning Community, Tricia M. Kress Ph.D. and Leonard Ciaccio

Submissions from 2000


Illuminating the New Standards with Learning Style: Striking a Perfect Match, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Laura Shea Doolan


Preparing ESL Students to Meet the New Standards, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D. and Carol Wertheimer


The Learning Styles of High-Achieving and Creative Adolescents in Hungary, Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.

Submissions from 1995


Sexual abuse of students by school personnel, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Charol Shakeshaft