This series highlights faculty publications from Education. It can include published or unpublished works such as articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, data sets, editorials, grey literature, reports, and white papers. Each record page includes all available citation information.


Publications from 2024


A Small Festschrift in a Big World (Chapter 1), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Being Good for Something: The Intersection of Care and Critical Theories (Chapter 7), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Hope E. Wilson


Frameworks for Balancing Care and Excellence in Higher Education (Chapter 2), Daniel L. Dinsmore and Carolyne Ali-Khan

Publications from 2023


A Convergence of Violence: Structural Violence Experiences of K–12, Black, Disabled Males across Multiple Systems, Gavyitri Kavita Indar, Christine Sharon Barrow, and Warren E. Whitaker Ph.D.


Building a community of practice: shifting an M.Ed. program to a PDS school-based cohort model, Elizabeth Hale, Hope E. Wilson, Lauren Gibbs, Jessie Didier, and Carolyne Ali-Khan