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Article: On-Campus Access Only

Publication Date

Summer 2009

Journal Title or Book Title

New Teacher Advocate






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Smile for the camera—your students are going to love it! Do you know how to use digital photography as a creative learning tool in your classroom? Original nonfiction photo big books, annotated photo albums, and photo stories or talking slide presentations are all “photo ops” that allow students to engage in authentic oral and written language development. Both English Language Learners (ELLs) and their English-speaking classmates can share excitement and language-learning opportunities as they take pictures, and then review, describe, talk, and write about photographs that are the most personally meaningful and academically appropriate. When ELLs and their classmates participate together in an activity—be it planting seeds, caring for a class pet, touring the school building, reading to kindergarten students, or taking a field trip the zoo—they engage in authentic conversations and meaningful use of language. To augment learning during these authentic, hands-on learning experiences, design activities that focus on oral and written English language skills, advanced technology, and creativity.

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