Document Type

Book Chapter

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Journal Title or Book Title

Breaking the Mold of Classroom Management: What Educators Should Know and Do to Enable Student Success




Publisher's PDF

Publisher's Statement

All rights reserved. Please contact the publisher for permission to copy, distribute or reprint. Dove, M., & Giouroukakis, V. (2013). Classroom management strategies to increase student collaboration. In A. Honigsfeld, & A. Cohan (Eds.). Breaking the Mold of Classroom Management What Educators Should Know and Do to Enable Student Success (pp. 127-134). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Reproduced by permission of Rowman & Littlefield,


In a New York suburban middle school, Ms. Malone begins a social studies lesson with her seventh graders. The room is extremely quiet, and the teacher assures that it will stay that way by keeping the students seated in straight rows and writing the names of offenders on the board. She calmly reminds students of the consequences of not adhering to her rules - an initial warning followed by a phone call home if the offense is repeated.

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