This series collects faculty publications from various departments and represents all current disciplines in the DigitalCommons@Molloy. The works may also be found in their respective Faculty Works series.
It is not limited to published proceedings but can include any type of published or unpublished works such as poster presentations, powerpoints, and more.
Presentations from 2024
Addressing the Service Capacity Needs of Community Nonprofit Organizations: A Mission-Focused Business School, Dawn DiStefano DPS and Brian O'Neill
Culture and AI: The Impact of Uncertainty Avoidance on Human-AI Teammate Interdependence and Trust, Gayle O'Keefe and Micah Minarik
Driving Visitor Acquisition and Engagement for a New Museum Celebrating the History of Disabilities, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Harley Maresca, and Ishita Sharma
From Classrooms to Boardrooms: Enhancing Mentorship Programs Through Strategic Partnerships on Long Island, Rose M. Lavelle MBA, Paige DeMaria, Michael Browne, and Jessenia Navas
Happiness, Trust, and Mental Fitness in the Workplace: Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
How a Nonprofit Turned to Retail to Help Fulfill Its Mission, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Erika Sanchez, Brianna Macias, and Bridget Walters
Maximizing Operating Efficiency in Higher Ed, Jessica Dillon and Dawn DiStefano DPS
Operational Risk, Capital Regulation, and Model Risk, Robert T. Stewart
Optimizing the Strategy Map With Customer Experience Spectrum, Alexander Chan
Roll-Up Strategy-Challenges, Opportunities, and Roller Coasters?, Steven Kent
Strategic Solutions for Effective Data Collection and Analysis in Nonprofit Organizations, Rose M. Lavelle MBA
Theorizing the Effect of Organizational Identification on Vacation Time Usage Among Remote Workers, Brian O'Neill and Jaclyn Schuman
Transport for Seniors Within a Community -There Is a Need But Is There a Way?, Steven Kent
We think, we smell, we remember: The effect of smell on memory for chemistry lab learning, Michael A. Marino, Francine Wisnewski, Catherine Reilly, and Andre Alexis
Presentations from 2023
Academic Librarians' Opinions on Social Justice Advocacy, Judith L. Brink Drescher
Academic Librarians' Opinions on Social Justice Advocacy, Judith L. Brink Drescher
A Novel Framework for Building Organizational Capabilities, Alexander Chan
Building Nonprofit Capabilities to Continue Growing After Starting with COVID-Driven Demand, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Thomas Bloecker, and Evan Rudolfsky
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part III, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part IV, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part V: Environmental Scan of Higher Education, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Expanding Respite Care Services to Meet Demand and Increase Organizational Competitiveness, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Christopher Mallozzi, Kaylee Fernandez, and Robert Mongitore
Heart Safe Community Update: Presentation, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Journey to a Heart Safe Community, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Carole Zarcone DNP, APRN, ANP-C; Kendra Hoepper DNP, PNP-BC; Elizabeth Cotter Ph.D, R.N.; and Geraldine Ann Moore EdD, RN, BC, AE-C
Linking Business and Healthcare for the Greater Good, Michael Messina and Dawn DiStefano DPS
Rebounding After Loss: A Nonprofit Organization’s Recovery After the Untimely Death of Its Founder, Donna M. Iucolano Ph.D., Jaclyn Schuman, and Shane Salam
The Cognitive and Affective Components of Organizational Identification, Brian O'Neill
The Development of Professional Identity and the Impact of Counselor Educators: Examining the Role of Observational Learning and Self-Efficacy, Kellyanne Brady
The Euroweek Experience: Supporting Sustainable Development Through Academic Programs Promoting Student Research, Technology Innovation and the Commercialization Process, Meryl Rosenblatt, Ishita Sharma, and Mya Ferreiro
The Importance of Humor as a Leadership Skill, Bruce Haller
Tip Your HAT to Your New Teammate, Gayle O'Keefe and Micah Minarik
Submissions from 2022
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Driving Healthcare Access: Mobile Health Clinics as a Vehicle to Address Health Inequities, Ethel Ulrich, Angela Malone, Patrick Dineen, and Dana Sanneman
The Evolution of Strategies in Academia to Address Health Equity and Social Justice, Ethel Ulrich, Lorraine Emeghebo, Judith C. James-Borga, Angela Malone, and Heather Reens
Submissions from 2021
A Comparative Review of Perceived Costs and Benefits of Business School Accreditation Options, Daniel R. Ball
Building Recreational Programs ‘Focusing on What Matters’, Gaëtane Bastien and Dawn DiStefano
COVID Stimulus Fails to Benefit Hardest-Hit Sectors, Amanda Bonacasa, Mark Streiber, Peter D'Antonio, and Meryl Rosenblatt
Creating Relationships for Social Good, Nikola Aleksic and Dawn DiStefano
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Learning strategies in different environments: Self-regulated learning in traditional and online courses, Melissa Gebbia Ph.D. and Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.
MBA Capstone Students Focus on Process, People and Technology to Develop Recommendations for Not-forProfit Organization, Anthony Alduino, Christopher Alonzo, Kendra Beauchamp, TJ Magno, RikSan Stephens, and Brian O'Neill
Medication Calculations Dimensional Analysis Tutorial, Jennifer Emilie Mannino Ph.D., R.N. and Elizabeth Cotter Ph.D, R.N.
Stories Give Form to a Complex Reality: A Narrative Inquiry of DNP Prepared APRNs during the COVID-19 Crisis. Educational Implications, Ethel Ulrich; Elizabeth Cotter Ph.D, R.N.; Margaret Whelan; and Joan Ginty
Stories Give Form to a Complex Reality: A Narrative Inquiry of DNP Prepared APRNs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Ethel Ulrich; Elizabeth Cotter Ph.D, R.N.; Margaret Whelan; and Joan Ginty
Submissions from 2020
Agents of Change - Continuing a Legacy, Kristen Callahan; Jacob Plaut; Jessica Strauber; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
An MBA Capstone Consulting Experience in the Midst of COVID-19, Jacqueline Bassey, Carolyn Hartmann, Rich Nyhus, Phil Quinones, and Brian M. O'Neill
Bridging the Gap in the Technology Commercialization Process, Christopher Rontanini, Adam Mahadeo, and Meryl Rosenblatt MBA
Higher Education Underperformance, PreCovid19!, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Investing in Socially-Minded Young Adults: Because Nice Matters, Patrick Kennedy and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
Maintaining Substainable Growth: The Strength of Partnerships, Maria Bovina; Matt Carcione; Greg Goeller; Ed Ryan; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
Melding Ethical Behaviors into Leadership Expectations: Seeking to Make the Phrase, "Ethical Leadership" No Longer Necessary, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Pandemic Pricing Policies: Professional Prerogative or Political Plaything, Bruce Haller and Steven Kent
The Legal and Ethical Considerations of Using Social Media in the Recruiting and Hiring Stages of Employment, Bruce Haller and Daniel R. Ball
The Sustainable Closet, Ryan Mott, Jessica Strauber, and Meryl Rosenblatt MBA
Young Adults Achieving for Local Non-Profit: Ambassadors of Social Change, Meghan Brown; Adam Mahadeo; Steven Rizzo; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
Submissions from 2019
A Case Study of Teaching MBA Quantitative Analysis Online, Daniel R. Ball
Bond Price Reaction to Being Placed on Credit Review: Does Ownership Concentration Matter, Robert Goch
Digitalizing Art: Transforming Marketing Efforts, Sabrina Rossi, Felicia Binkis, Brian DiDominica, Chris Giovinco, Shivam Jhingen, Matthew Lobasso, and Dawn DiStefano MBA
Diseases of the Aorta, Maria Mazalkova
Elevated Average Duration of Unemployment Signals Improved Labor Market, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Engaging Flipgrid: Three Levels of Immersion, Madeline Craig
Expanding the Campus-Wide Sudden Cardiac Arrest Safety Net, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Carole Zarcone DNP, APRN, ANP-C; and Kendra Hoepper DNP, APRN, PNP-BC
Expanding the Campus-Wide Sudden Cardiac Arrest Safety Net, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Carole Zarcone DNP, APRN, ANP-C; and Kendra Hoepper DNP, APRN, PNP-BC
Exploring Agency for Equity in Teacher and Leadership Education Programs: A Self-study Approach, Joanna Alcruz Ph.D., Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D., and Mubina Schroeder
Housing Market Follows Elongated Supply Cycle, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Organizational Identity and Esports in Higher Education, Brian M. O'Neill
Peer-to-Peer Tech PD, Madeline Craig and Linda Kraemer
Predictive Sports Analytics Using an Exponential Power Function, Robert Kissell
Spectator Free Speech: Is the Right to Cheer a First Amendment Free Speech Right?, Bruce Haller
The Art of Inclusion: Marketing Toward Social Good, Marissa Senatore, Alexandra Pfeifer, Anna Kaur, Lauren Keller, Caroline Zimmerman, and Dawn DiStefano
The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Student Content Knowledge in an Undergraduate, Teacher Preparatory, Foundations of Education Course, Madeline Craig Ed.D and Patricia N. Eckardt
The Legal Limitations on College Admission Standards: When Does the Pursuit of Diversity become Illegal Discrimination?, Bruce Haller
The Ultimate Assessment of Learning, is in Doing: A Business Capstone Experience, Jacqueline Santi, Hussam Bouayach, and Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Vertical Farms and the New Green City, Brandon Oliva, Christopher Rontanini, and Meryl Rosenblatt
Presentations from 2018
A Different Take on Diversity: The Constructive Use of Differences, Judith L. Brink Drescher
All Nurses Need to be Research Nurses, Heather Reens MSN, RN and Patricia A. Eckardt PhD, RN
Bilateral Trade Actions Trumped by Insufficient US Savings, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Building Brands through Social Listening, Meryl Rosenblatt MBA, Taylor Curran, and Jessica Treiber
Business Education: Real-World Capstone, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D. and Dawn DiStefano MBA
Discovery Panel I & II, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Allen Jones, Christian Haenger, James Hammons, Fen Lu, and Randy Oldham
Empowering Youths and Combating Gang Activity Across Long Island Through MBA Capstone Consulting, Daniel R. Ball and Stephanie Mattarocci
Evolving Processes of Entrepreneurship Networks, Meryl Rosenblatt MBA
Kneel and You're Fired: Freedom of Speech in the Workplace, Bruce Haller
Management Practices for An Art-Based Community Program: How to Design a 100 Year Company!, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D., Morgan Christophersen, Priscilla DuJardin, and Roberto Arevalo
Management Structure that Supports and Facilitates Social Good: Phase II for Paths of Hope, Inc., Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D., Margaret Holoder, Michael Mauro, Stacy Runne-Garcia, and Joanna Totten
Managing Conflict: Reconciling Being Always-On and Concurrent Desire to Protect Personal Information –A Mixed Methods Study of Connected Consumer, Donna M. Iucolano
Marketing and Delivering Child Care Programs to Nassau County, Daniel R. Ball, Fabian DiChristina, and Dawn Armand
New York State ELA Opt-Out Rates: Understanding the Impact of Race, Robert Goch
Preferences and Learning Behaviors of Digital Natives, Meryl Rosenblatt MBA, James Marchetta, and Michael Masiello
Primo/Summon Panel: Three Years After, Christian Haenger, Allen Jones, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek, Knut Anton Bøckman, Ken Herold, and Stacey Van Groll
Public Policy Consideration of Workplace-Based Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) Use by Immigrants for Asset Building, Linda Silva Thompson
Rebranding a Special Needs School Through Marketing and Entrepreneurship: An MBA Capstone Consulting Case Study, Daniel R. Ball, Hadia Khan, and Omolola Oyelude
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Legal Attempts to Resolve a Cultural Problem, Bruce Haller
Talk Back: Summon / 360 Q&A, Judith L. Brink Drescher, Alisha Quagliana, Angela Sidman, Brent Cook, Yuval Kiselstein, and Amy Pemble
The Economics of Quick Service Restaurant Delivery Partnerships, Robert Goch and Jeremiah Titone
Transformative Business Education: Heart, Hands, Head - All In!, Dawn DiStefano MBA and Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Wide Dispersion of Price changes Limits the Accuracy of Measured Inflation, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Wide Dispersion of Price Changes Limits the Accuracy of Measured Inflation, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Submissions from 2017
Are You Ready for the Next Conversation? Hint: Faculty are the Key., Joanna Alcruz Ph.D.
Connecting with Brands: Brand Personality and Brand Outcome, Valuing Persons with Special Needs (PSN), Dawn DiStefano MBA and Pradeep Gopalakrishna