Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Fall 2019

Journal Title or Book Title

Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA) 2019


Publisher's PDF

Publisher's Statement

PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEAST BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION © 2019 The Northeast Business & Economics Association reserves the right to publish the Proceedings in both print and electronic formats. The individual authors retain the copyright over their own articles.


Advancements in video capture and learning management systems (LMS) provide faculty with more tools than ever before to effectively teach quantitative business subjects to graduate students enrolled in blended and online courses. Students pursuing an MBA often come from diverse educational and professional backgrounds, with some continuing directly from undergraduate programs while others may be returning to school after spending years in the workforce. These students require instructional design that is both comprehensive and flexible to meet their various needs, accommodating the increasing preference for visual content delivery. Early in an MBA program, a course in quantitative analysis often serves multiple purposes including as a refresher of prerequisite knowledge areas, an introduction to graduate topics of management science, and a preparation for future courses in the curriculum. This case study paper describes the evolution of an MBA managerial quantitative analysis course using instructor-created videos and a modern LMS in both blended and online formats. The proposed model includes designing a consistent module structure, establishing a virtual classroom environment that extensively uses tutorial videos, setting appropriate course rules, and creating an effective assignment philosophy. The proposed best practices will allow this model structure to be used for other quantitative business courses.

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