This series collects faculty publications from various departments and represents all current disciplines in the DigitalCommons@Molloy. The works may also be found in their respective Faculty Works series.
It is not limited to published articles but can include any type of published or unpublished works such as: articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, conference proceedings, data sets, editorials, keynotes, grey literature, lectures, reports, and white papers. Each work’s record page includes all available citation information.
Publications from 2024
A Small Festschrift in a Big World (Chapter 1), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Daniel L. Dinsmore
Being Good for Something: The Intersection of Care and Critical Theories (Chapter 7), Carolyne Ali-Khan and Hope E. Wilson
Birth Privilege as White Privilege, Jennifer Scuro PhD
Frameworks for Balancing Care and Excellence in Higher Education (Chapter 2), Daniel L. Dinsmore and Carolyne Ali-Khan
Intersections of trauma and grief: Navigating multilayered terrain in music therapy to support youth through bereavement, Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC
Introduction (to Emotional Expressionism), E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Modifed Playfair for Text File Encryption and Meticulous Decryption with Arbitrary Fillers by Septenary Quadrate Pattern, N. Sugirtham, R. Sherine Jenny, B. Thiyaneswaran, S. Kumarganesh, C. Venkatesan, K. Martin Sagayam, Lam Dang, Linh DInh, and Helen Dang
Plasmid-Borne Biosynthetic Gene Clusters within a Permanently Stratified Marine Water Column, Paraskevi Mara, David Geller-McGrath, Elizabeth A. Suter, Gordon T. Taylor, Maria G. Pachiadaki, and Virginia P. Edgcomb
The Supervisors are Carrying the Bag: The Nurses' Emergency Council, Settlement Houses, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in New York City, Eric C. Cimino
Use of Andexanet Alfa for Factor Xa Inhibitor Reversal in US Verified Trauma Centers: A National Survey, Charles Fasanya MD, FRCS, FACS; Abenamar Arrillaga MD, FACS, FCCP; Catherine Caronia MC, MBA; Lauren Rothburd BS; Tenzing Japhe BA; Younghee Hahn BS; Paul Joseph BS; Dajana Reci BA; and Patricia A. Eckardt PhD, RN, FAAN
Publications from 2023
A Convergence of Violence: Structural Violence Experiences of K–12, Black, Disabled Males across Multiple Systems, Gavyitri Kavita Indar, Christine Sharon Barrow, and Warren E. Whitaker Ph.D.
Building a community of practice: shifting an M.Ed. program to a PDS school-based cohort model, Elizabeth Hale, Hope E. Wilson, Lauren Gibbs, Jessie Didier, and Carolyne Ali-Khan
Clinical practice patterns of speech-language pathologists for screening and identifying dysphagia, Matthew Dumican, Zoë Thijs Ph.D., and Kaitlynn Harper
Co-Teaching With Multilingual Learners: Key Themes From Emerging Research, Maria Dove Ed.D. and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.
Diverse secondary metabolites are expressed in particle-associated and free-living microorganisms of the permanently anoxic Cariaco Basin, David Gellar-McGrath, Paraskevi Mara, Gordon T. Taylor, Elizabeth A. Suter, Virginia Edgcomb, and Maria Pachiadaki
Evaluating universities Twitter web pages responding to the Black Lives Matter movement, Hind Albadi and Thomas Kenny
Laryngeal symptoms related to motor phenotypes in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review, Zoë Thijs Ph.D. and Matthew Dumican
Meningioma brain tumor detection and classifcation using hybrid CNN method and RIDGELET transform, B.V Prakash, A. Rajiv Kanna, N. Santhiyakumari, S. Kumarganesh, D. Siva Sundhara Raja, J. Jasmine Hephzipah, K. Martin Sagayam, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
Metaverse’s Rise and Decline, Nir Kshetri, Jeffrey Voas, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Diana Rojas Torres, and Gayle O'Keefe
Personalized Palliative and Survivorship Care for Patients With Metastatic Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy, Sana Siddiqui, Luann Rowland, Emily Copel, Ashish Sangal, Vikram Soni, Patricia A. Eckardt, and Johnny Kao
The Experiences of Black Women Senior Student Affairs Officers: A Multiple-Case Study, Tamekka L. Cornelius Ph.D and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
The Kappa Opioid Receptor: Candidate Pharmacotherapeutic Target for Multiple Sclerosis, Brian Reed and Surya Dutta
The long-term impact of COVID-19 on nursing: An e-panel discussion from the International Network for Child and Family Centred Care, Mandie Jane Foster RN, PG Dip/Cert, PhD; Julie Blamires RN, DHSc; Sarah Neill RN, PhD; Imelda Coyne PhD, FAAN, FEANS, FTCD; Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir RN, DrPH/PhD, FEAN; Veronica D. Feeg PhD, RN, FAAN; Ann Marie Paraszczuk EdD, RN; and Mohammad Al-Motlaq RN, PhD
Using online teaching resources to increase nursing students' knowledge and assessment skills of skin cancer, Victoria Siegel EdD, CNS, RN; Geraldine Ann Moore EdD, RN, BC, AE-C; and Leeann Siegel
“We Live in Two Worlds”: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experiences of Foreign-Born U.S. College and University Presidents, Kristie S. Johnson Ph.D., CFRE; Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; and Jakia Marie Ph.D.
Submissions from 2022
An effective model for the iris regional characteristics andclassification using deep learning alex network, Thiyaneswaran Balashanmugam, Kumarganesh Sengottaiyan, Martin Sagayam Kulandairaj, and Helen Dang
Changes in Breast Cancer Care in New York During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Alexandra Fiderlein, Cheyenne Rosado, and Noelle L. Cutter Ph.D.
Characterization of Pyrrolidinyl-hexahydro-pyranopiperazines as a Novel Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist Scaffold, Brian Reed, Michael Miller, Mayako Michino, Eduardo R. Butelman, Ariel Ben-Ezra, Philip Pikus, Michelle Morochnik, Yuli Kim, Amy Ripka, Joseph Vacca, and Mary Jeanne Kreek
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Enrollments in a Tobacco Dependence Treatment Program during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study, Patricia Folan, Christine Fardellone, Raisa Abramova, and Andrea Spatarella
Eukaryotic Parasites Are Integral to a Productive Microbial Food Web in Oxygen-Depleted Waters, Elizabeth A. Suter, Maria Pachladaki, Gordon T. Taylor, and Virginia P. Edgcomb
"Hail to the King[s], Baby" Arthur vs Army of Darkness, Jeff Massey Ph.D. and Tabitha Ochtera MLIS, MBA
Hidden Identity: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Black Male Identity Development at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Therron Rogers Ph.D. and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
High School Counselors as Social Capital for Low-Income Students in a Career Academy High School Model: A Case Study, Onyejindu Oleka Ph.D. and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Leveraging Local Knowledge to Envision Educational Policy and Management Outside the Plunder of Neoliberal Technorationality [Editorial], Warren E. Whitaker Ph.D., Tricia M. Kress Ph.D., and Robert Lake
Lung_PAYNet: a pyramidal attention based deep learning network for lung nodule segmentation, P. Malin Bruntha, S. Immanuel Alex Pandian, K. Martin Sagayam, Shivargha Bandopadhyay, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
Privacy Preserving Attribute-Focused Anonymization Scheme for Healthcare Data Publishing, J. Andrew Onesimu, Karthikeyan J, Jennifer Eunice, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
The Dating and Hooking up Experience of Black Women at Predominantly White Institutions: A Phenomenological Study, Patricia P. Carver Ph.D., CPA and Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
The Legacy of Bartolomé de Las Casas: Then and Now, Alice Byrnes OP, DA and Anne-Marie Kirmse OP
Submissions from 2021
A Comparative Review of Perceived Costs and Benefits of Business School Accreditation Options, Daniel R. Ball
A Novel Hybrid K-Means and GMM Machine Learning Model for Breast Cancer Detection, P. Esther Jebarani, N. Umadevi, Helen Dang, and Marc Pomplun
Automated sleep stage classification in sleep apnoea using convolutional neural networks, G. Naveen Sundar, D. Narmadha, A. Amir Anton Jone, K. Martin Sagayam, Helen Dang, and Marc Pomplun
Building Recreational Programs ‘Focusing on What Matters’, Gaëtane Bastien and Dawn DiStefano
Community Outreach & Education, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Carole Zarcone DNP, APRN, ANP-C; and Kendra Hoepper DNP, APRN, PNP-BC
Conducting Clinical Studies in Community Health Settings: Challenges and Opportunities for Music Therapists, Clarissa Lacson MA, MT-BC; Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC; Amy Kesslick MA, MT-BC, LPC; Caitlin Krater MS, MT-BC; and Joke Bradt
Consorting with Criminality: The Female Detective in Killing Eve, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
COVID Stimulus Fails to Benefit Hardest-Hit Sectors, Amanda Bonacasa, Mark Streiber, Peter D'Antonio, and Meryl Rosenblatt
Creating Relationships for Social Good, Nikola Aleksic and Dawn DiStefano
Creation of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Safety Net, Mary McCormack DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Carole Zarcone DNP, APRN, ANP-C; Kendra Hoepper DNP, APRN, PNP-BC; and Pamela Watters PhD, MSS, MSCS
Dear Madam, Dear Sir: Mayor William Gaynor and New York City's Response to the Sinking of Titanic, Eric C. Cimino Ph.D.
Does Management Education Need a Facelift? The Intersection of Managing, Leading, and Coaching. Part I, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Educator Perspectives on Both Sides of the Pandemic: Inspirations Taken from Hamilton, Audrey Cohan Ed.D and Andrea Honigsfeld Ed.D.
George Carlin as Philosophy: It’s All Bullshit. Is It Bad for Ya?, Kimberly S. Engels PhD
Learning by Doing: Student Experiences in a Mixed Methods Research Course, Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC; Maliha Ibrahim; Karolina Bryl; Janelle S. Junkin; and Joke Bradt
MBA Capstone Students Focus on Process, People and Technology to Develop Recommendations for Not-forProfit Organization, Anthony Alduino, Christopher Alonzo, Kendra Beauchamp, TJ Magno, RikSan Stephens, and Brian O'Neill
Soaring House Prices Reflect a Shortage of Homes Rather than a New Housing Bubble, Peter D'Antonio
Super-resolution reconstruction of brain magnetic resonance images via lightweight autoencoder, J. Andrew, T.S.R. Mhatesh, Robin D. Sebastin, K. Martin Sagayam, Jennifer Eunice, Marc Pomplun, and Helen Dang
The Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network: An Open-Source and Interactive Learning Environment, Benjamin J. Tully, Joy Buongiorno, Ashley B. Cohen, Jacob A. Cram, Arkadiy I. Garber, Sarah K. Hu, Arianna I. Krinos, Philip T. Leftwich, Alexis J. Marshall, Ella T. Sieradzki, Daan R. Speth, Elizabeth A. Suter, Christopher B. Trivedi, Luis E. Valentin-Alvarado, Jake L. Weissman, and BVCN Instructor Consortium
Visual-Saliency-Based Abnormality Detection for MRI Brain Images—Alzheimer’s Disease Analysis, A. Diana Andrushia, K. Martin Sagayam, Helen Dang, Marc Pomplun, and Lien Quach
Submissions from 2020
404 Error: The Digital Literacy Page Cannot Be Found, Katherine G. Schmidt Ph.D.
Agents of Change - Continuing a Legacy, Kristen Callahan; Jacob Plaut; Jessica Strauber; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
An MBA Capstone Consulting Experience in the Midst of COVID-19, Jacqueline Bassey, Carolyn Hartmann, Rich Nyhus, Phil Quinones, and Brian M. O'Neill
Bridging the Gap in the Technology Commercialization Process, Christopher Rontanini, Adam Mahadeo, and Meryl Rosenblatt MBA
Dual-Earner Family Policies at Work for Single-Parent Families, Laurie C. Maldonado and Rense Nieuwenhuis
Ensemble Storytelling: Dramatic Television Seriality, The Melodramatic Mode, And Emotions, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Going in Thinking Process, Coming Out Transformed: Reflections and Recommendations from a Qualitative Research Course, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.; Elizabeth Byron; Jeffrey Cross; O.J. Oleka; Stephanie Van Eps; Phyllis Clark; and Natalie Sajko
Grey’s Anatomy as Philosophy: Ethical Ambiguity in Shades of Grey, Kimberly S. Engels PhD and Katie Becker
Investing in Socially-Minded Young Adults: Because Nice Matters, Patrick Kennedy and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
IoT Based Virtual Reality Game for Physio-therapeutic Patients, K. Martin Sagayam, Shibin D, Helen Dang, Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, and Radzi Ambar
Maintaining Substainable Growth: The Strength of Partnerships, Maria Bovina; Matt Carcione; Greg Goeller; Ed Ryan; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
Measuring Brand Equity in the Digital Environment, Lydia Vlachos, Meka Bendahan, and Meryl Rosenblatt
Melding Ethical Behaviors into Leadership Expectations: Seeking to Make the Phrase, "Ethical Leadership" No Longer Necessary, Maureen L. Mackenzie Ph.D.
Pandemic Pricing Policies: Professional Prerogative or Political Plaything, Bruce Haller and Steven Kent
Soaring House Prices Reflect a Shortage of Homes Rather than a New Housing Bubble, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
The Creation of the Devil and the End of the White Man’s Rule: The Theological Influence of the Nation of Islam on Early Black Theology, Marjorie Corbman Ph.D.
The Effects of DNA Methylation on Medulloblastoma Cell Survivability and Development, Christina Rubino, Anika Chowdhury, Cassandra Greco, Benjamin Honigsfeld, Barbara Pepe, and Noelle L. Cutter Ph.D.
The Legal and Ethical Considerations of Using Social Media in the Recruiting and Hiring Stages of Employment, Bruce Haller and Daniel R. Ball
The Sustainable Closet, Ryan Mott, Jessica Strauber, and Meryl Rosenblatt MBA
Victims, Heroes, and Villains: Imaginary Beings in Contemporary Television Serials, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.
Young Adults Achieving for Local Non-Profit: Ambassadors of Social Change, Meghan Brown; Adam Mahadeo; Steven Rizzo; and Dawn DiStefano MBA, PhD
Submissions from 2019
A Case Study of Teaching MBA Quantitative Analysis Online, Daniel R. Ball
Bond Price Reaction to Being Placed on Credit Review: Does Ownership Concentration Matter, Robert Goch
Can Conducting a Talking Circle about a Sensitive Topic Increase Participation for Elementary Aged Learners?, Patricia Lyons, Kaitlyn McCormack, Samantha Sauer, and Michelle Chamblin
Dewey in China: A Historical Look at His Message of Peace and Understanding, Charles F. Howlett Ph.D., Audrey Cohan Ed.D, and Mariola Krol
Digitalizing Art: Transforming Marketing Efforts, Sabrina Rossi, Felicia Binkis, Brian DiDominica, Chris Giovinco, Shivam Jhingen, Matthew Lobasso, and Dawn DiStefano MBA
Elevated Average Duration of Unemployment Signals Improved Labor Market, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Ethical Invention in Sartre and Foucault: Courage, Freedom, Transformation, Kimberly S. Engels PhD
Framework for collaborative teaching: Strengths and challenges for a different service paradigm in Haiti, Patricia Mason and Judith C. James-Borga
Glitch-Writing, or, How to Break Twitter, Matt Applegate Ph.D.
Housing Market Follows Elongated Supply Cycle, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Identifying Senescence as a Mode of Chemo Resistance in Ovarian Cancer, Noelle L. Cutter Ph.D., Jennifer Furman, Ryan Frank, Cassandra Greco, and Matthrew Lucito
Long Average Unemployment Duration Implies Better Job Market, Peter L. D'Antonio Ph.D.
Loss of Scribble confers cisplatin resistance during NSCLC chemotherapy via Nox2/ROS and Nrf2/PD-L1 signaling, Na Wang, Lele Song, Yi Xu, Longfu Zhang, Yanjun Wu, Jingyu Guo, Weiwei Ji, Li Li Ph.D., Jingya Zhao, Xin Zhang, and Lixing Zhan
Organizational Identity and Esports in Higher Education, Brian M. O'Neill
Predictive Sports Analytics Using an Exponential Power Function, Robert Kissell
Preface to Intersectionality & Higher Education: Theory, Research, & Praxis, Donald Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Salty sensors, fresh ideas: The use of molecular and imaging sensors in understanding plankton dynamics across marine and freshwater ecosystems, Trisha Lyn Spanbauer, Christian Briseno-Avena, Kathleen Johnson Pitz, and Elizabeth A. Suter
Sisters of Charity: St. Vincent's Hospital and the Titanic Disaster, Eric C. Cimino Ph.D.
Spectator Free Speech: Is the Right to Cheer a First Amendment Free Speech Right?, Bruce Haller
Storied Feelings: Emotions, Culture, Media, E. Deidre Pribram Ph.D.