All Music Therapy theses can be found here. They are also available in the Theses and Dissertations section.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Parent's Experience During Their Autistic Child's In-Home Music Therapy, Dana Raicaldo
Comparing the Impact of Client-Led Music Therapy with Autistic Clients Enrolled in an Applied Behavior Analysis Program Versus Those in Standard Care, Annie Fitzgerald
Current Workplace Experiences of Neurodivergent Music Therapists, Ana Odasso Weschenfelder
Experiences in Vocal Psychotherapy of a Music Therapy Intern with Post-Covid Symptoms, Kyungwon Matilda Choi
Exploring Music Therapists' Experiences of Utilizing a Family-Based Approach with Children Receiving Palliative Care, Faith Anne Agolia
Music Therapy Perspectives in Popayan by Music Graduates From the Universidad Del Cauca, Laura Piedad Parra Acosta
The Experience of an Autistic and Neurotypical Sibling Dyad in Improvisational Music Therapy, Gianna DeRusso
The Experiences of Stigma Amongst Practicing Music Therapists Living with Depression and/or Anxiety: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, Hally Batterman
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Exploration into Art Therapists' Experiences of Collaboration with Music Therapists to Treat People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Heejoon Park Jun
Early Childhood Educators' Understanding and Perspectives of Music Therapy, Sophia G. Woods
How Music Therapists Experience Improvising with Nonspeaking Clients: A Thematic Analysis, Alexandra Timoshenko
Music Therapists' Perspectives on the Use of Heavy Metal Music in Music Therapy, Jessie E. Davis
Nurses' Perceptions of Music Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities: A Survey, Teressa Sambolin
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Thematic Analysis of the Clinician's Experience of Individual Music Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities with Older Adults, Jaycie Perretta
Music Therapist Experiences of Meaningful Moments in Short-term Medical Settings: A Thematic Analysis, Haojie Lyu
The Connections in Relationships Among Autistic and Neurotypical Adolescents Participating in a Virtual, Inclusive, Performative Music Therapy Group, Laura Silvestain
The Experiences of an Individual with Parkinson's Engaging in a Relationship-based, Improvisational Music Therapy Group, Daniel DeLucia
The Non-verbal Expressions and Experiences of an Autistic Adolescent in Improvisational, Relationship-based Music Therapy, Naoko Funahashi
The Role of Affinity Group Membership For Marginalized Music Therapy Students and Professionals, Fakoya A. Jack-Vilmar
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
An Exploration of Music Therapists' Experience of Simultaneous Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Nadia Mary Flutie
A Study on the Perception and Influence of Whiteness in White Music Therapists, Maria Abramovich
Deconstructing the Clinician: An Auto-Ethnographic Study, Nicole Moy and Natalia Alvarez-Figueroa
Examining the Experiences of Nordoff-Robbins Level One Trainees Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, Gisela X. Berrones Cortez
Puppets in Music Therapy: A Qualitative Study, Kaitlyn Lewis
Racial and Ethnic Representation in Music Therapy Education, Eden M. Medina
The Development of Therapeutic Alliance in Long-Term and Short-Term Music Therapy Treatment, Brooke Morris
The Influences of Language Barriers in Music Therapy, Kohei Mori
The Music Therapist’s Experience of Flow During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Kaitlyn Upshaw
The Music Therapist's Experience of the Client-Therapist Relationship in Improvisational Voicework: An Interpretive Phenomenological Inquiry, Samantha Schick
The Prevalence of Hip Hop Music in Music Therapy Education & Practice, Dannyele C. Crawford
The Role of Telehealth in Music Therapy Practice During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Through the Lens of the Music Therapist: A Survey, Brianne Brunick
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Culturally Situated Perspective of Music Therapy in Hungary, Sylvia E. Foldes-Berman
A Phenomenological Study of the Therapeutic Relationship in Tele-Music Therapy in the US, Kiyomi Kamiya Glover
From Student to Practitioner: Formal Music Education’s Influence on The Practitioner’s Informed Music Therapy Practice, Daniel M. Salaway
Navigating the Experience of Burnout of Immigrant Music Therapists in the United States, Naeun Lee
The Role of Music in Personal Therapy in Advanced Music Therapy Training: A Self-Inquiry, Jan Mark Casco
The Role of Personal Therapy for Chinese-Speaking Music Therapy Students: A Survey, Xinrui Liu
The Role of Verbal Skills in Analytical Music Therapy, the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, and Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy, Elizabeth Ingram
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Exploring the Use of Marimba in Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Lucas McCarren
The Experience of Songwriting in Music Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disability, Jasper Lewis
The Roles of Absorption in Music Therapy, Michael John Russo
Understanding Group Dynamics in DIR-Based Improvisational Music Therapy with Autistic Children, Anne Therese Crean
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Phenomenological Inquiry into an Autistic Adolescent's Experience in Relationship-based Music Therapy from the Perspectives of the Adolescent and Parent, Diana N. Abourafeh
The Role of Entrainment on an Older Adult’s Stress and Anxiety: A Mixed Methods Study, Francesca Brennan
Using Improvisational Music Therapy to Explore the Therapeutic Relationship in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study, Hyoseul Grace Kim
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
A Closer Exploration of Therapeutic Relationship through a Musical Mediuem: An Arts-Based Research Study, Michael Kelliher
An Analysis of Burnout and Music Therapy Methodologies, Samara Berry
An Exploration of Creative Arts-Based Self-Care Practices among Music Therapy Students, Marion Kaiser
A Teacher's Experience in Improvisational Music Therapy with her Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Inbar A. Kaplan
The Impact of a Degree in Music Education on Music Therapy Professional Practice: A Qualitative Interview Study, Katherine Glathar
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
An Exploration of Music Therapists' Perspectives on Preventing and Treating Postpartum Depression, Chengcheng Du
Exploring the use of the bass guitar as a clinical instrument within music-centered practice, Matthew J. Brady
Music Therapy with Adolescents in Crisis in America and Korea : A Cross-Cultural Analysis, Seulgi Kim
Parents’ Experiences of Music Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Naoko Mizutani
The Experience of Countertransference for Music Therapists when Working with Children with Developmental Disabilities, Carly Caprioli
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Clinical Supervisors' Experience with Conflict with Music Therapy Interns, Joanna M. Kelly
Exploring the Implications of Resource-Oriented Music Therapy for Medical Practice, Jacqueline M. Christen
The Experiences of Music Therapists Developing Music Therapy Programs in New York State Public Schools, Michelle Kovacs
The Role of Personal Therapy for Music Therapists: A Survey, Carla D. Chikhani
The Role of Songs in Music Therapy with Adults who have Developmental Disabilities, Gregory Razzano
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A Phenomenological Investigation of the Experience of Music Therapists with Vocal Health Issues, Liisa Hill Murray
Exploring Empathy In Music Therapy, Jessica Haviland
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Historical Review of Music Therapy and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Jenna Spencer
A Phenomenological investigation of Nordoff-Robbins trainees' personal and musical growth during certification training, Matsuri Imura
Boundary Issues in Music Therapy Internship Supervision, Michelle Lasco
Exploring spiritual experiences of Nordoff-Robbins music therapists, Hyun Jin Hong
Exploring the Impact of Personal bereavement on Music Therapists' Work in End-of-Life Care, Kaitlyn Leann Weeks
The Call for Bravery: The Use of Improvised Story Songs with a Preschooler with Developmental Delays, Emily McClure
The Experience of Music Therapists Who Balance the Dual Professions of Music Therapist and Professional Musician, Colin Turner
The Experience of Teamwork in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy: a phenomenological investigation, John Mulcahy
The role of the musical - self in promoting career longevity among music therapists, Peter Davis
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
An Exploration of Perceived Stress Among Music Therapy Interns, Ayelet Walker
Exploring the Musical Culture of an African American Child with Developmental Disabilities in Group Music Therapy, Meghan Cork
I Am Surrounded by Love: an inquiry into the use of songs with a woman with traumatic brain injury, 11 years post-injury, Pamela J. Carlton
Parallel Process in Music Therapy Supervision, Gabriela S. Ortiz
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
An exploration of mindfulness in my music therapy sessions with a child with suggest autism spectrum disorder, Kimberly Lau
Listening, Improvisation, and the Therapeutic Relationship in Music Therapy: A Self-Inquiry, Jill Lucente
Music for quality of life: Huntington Grant Proposal, Lauren A. Klimek
Music Therapy and Culture: Exploring my Culture and its Influences, Midori Tsujimoto
The Development and Establishment of a Pre-School Music Therapy Program, Tracey Lee Rosen
Theoretical orientations applied by music therapists working in adult psychiatric inpatient settings, Angel A. Park