"The Role of Music in Personal Therapy in Advanced Music Therapy Traini" by Jan Mark Casco

Date of Award


Document Type


Selected Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Degree Name

Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy

First Advisor

Dr. Seung-A Kim


The purpose of this study is to explore the role of music through the similarities and differences of an Analytical Music Therapy (AMT) and Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy (NRMT) trainee. The study employed a first-person research design and thematic analysis to assess three AMT and three NRMT personal therapy sessions. Music as well as the verbal interactions during the music therapy sessions were transcribed and analyzed. Five themes were constructed from the data, three similar themes and two different themes: (1) music as a place of meeting and the foundation of the therapeutic relationship, (2) using the voice to strengthen the therapeutic and musical relationship, (3) music making and meaning making, (4) collaboration in music making, (5) music as a referential meaning or an experience. The study indicated that the role of music in AMT and NRMT had many purposes for the researcher, such as, a representation of emotional content for the client. There were also differences between the role of music for AMT and NRMT, in which the therapeutic themes were addressed in different ways. The findings of this study bring up questions about integral thinking in music therapy practice as well as understanding the theoretical basis and traditional models of AMT and NRMT with an emphasis on the role of music. The data also indicates benefits of personal therapy as an advanced music therapy trainee. There is limited research comparing the experience of multiple advanced music therapy trainings.

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