Date of Award


Document Type


Copyright Status, No Creative Commons License

All Rights Reserved

Degree Name

Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy


School of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Kate Myers-Coffman


Few research studies have explored early childhood educators’ understanding and perspectives of music therapy. In this study, 28 early childhood educators were surveyed, answering open- and closed-ended questions relating to what they understand about and how they perceive the profession of music therapy. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data and thematic analysis to analyze qualitative data. Quantitative data highlighted the little education provided to early childhood educators about music therapy and suggests that very few early childhood educators have worked with music therapists. The three participants who had worked with a music therapist reported that music therapy has been beneficial for their students. Thematic findings revealed that early childhood educators would like to see more collaboration between music therapists and early childhood educators as well as resources to learn more about music therapy. Additional research should be done to explore early childhood educators’ understanding and perspectives of music therapy with a larger sample as well as learn in which parts of the country music therapy in early childhood education is most common and what resources would be most helpful in providing education about music therapy.

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