"A Historical Review of Music Therapy and the Department of Veterans Af" by Jenna Spencer


Jenna Spencer

Date of Award


Document Type


Copyright Status, No Creative Commons License

All Rights Reserved

Degree Name

Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy

First Advisor

Barbara Wheeler


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the history and development of music therapy within the veteran population, specifically in regards to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This research will be conducted qualitatively utilizing narrative inquiry and historical review. Using numerous sources of literature, the researcher will conduct a thorough historical review in order to fully portray the development of music therapy practice within the veteran population. The researcher will explore various sources of relevant literature in order to discover when and how music therapy was first used to treat the veteran population and how music therapy programs developed at the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition to the historical review, a narrative inquiry will be conducted by interviewing several music therapists employed at VA facilities across the United States in order to discover how music therapy has grown and developed at their respective sites. Once data is collected from the participants, it will be combined with the data from the literature research in order to create a literary timeline of the progression of music therapy within the VA and the veteran population it serves.

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