Theses and Dissertations from Molloy's Graduate and Doctoral Programs; current programs include Business, Clinical Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Education, Music Therapy, Nursing, Social Work, and Speech-Language Pathology. All dissertations have been published through ProQuest's ETD Administrator software. The copyright for all thesis and dissertations is held by the author.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Parent's Experience During Their Autistic Child's In-Home Music Therapy, Dana Raicaldo
Beyond Selection and Practice: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Lived Experiences of K-5 Literacy Curriculum Leaders in Long Island, NY, Mary Elizabeth Pettit
Black Parent Engagement Through the Lens of Critical Consciousness, Marie Flore Stamps
Building Lasting Connections in a Temporary Setting: First-Year Residential Students' Experiences at a Primarily Nonresidential Institution, Pamela Ghigliotti Mihalik
Closing the Gap Between Theory and Practice to Promote Equity in STEM: Coaching Teachers with UDL Strategies to Empower Students, Debbie Langone
Comparing the Impact of Client-Led Music Therapy with Autistic Clients Enrolled in an Applied Behavior Analysis Program Versus Those in Standard Care, Annie Fitzgerald
Creating DEI Spaces: Understanding Belonging Among Black Students at a Predominantly White Community College, Christy Izemy Jean Banks
Current Workplace Experiences of Neurodivergent Music Therapists, Ana Odasso Weschenfelder
Empowering Educators: Examining Social-Emotional Learning Professional Development in Advancing Knowledge and Skills, Jessica Ann Ryan
Experiences in Vocal Psychotherapy of a Music Therapy Intern with Post-Covid Symptoms, Kyungwon Matilda Choi
Exploring Music Therapists' Experiences of Utilizing a Family-Based Approach with Children Receiving Palliative Care, Faith Anne Agolia
Exploring Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Career Readiness: A Survey Methodology Approach, Cristen M. D'Accordo
Making Way: A Methods Experiment with Arts-Based Embodied Postformal Autoethnography to Prepare for Research-As-Community Building with a Diverse Urban Elementary School, Kelly Elizabeth Bare
Music Therapy Perspectives in Popayan by Music Graduates From the Universidad Del Cauca, Laura Piedad Parra Acosta
Navigating Whiteness: A Critical Autoethnography of the Lived Experience of a Black Female Administrator in the Predominantly White Spaces of Higher Education, Sheila Miranda Russell
Relationships of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Maternity Nurses Caring for Patients who Succumbed to Maternal Mortality, Debra Joy Mendelson
The Experience of an Autistic and Neurotypical Sibling Dyad in Improvisational Music Therapy, Gianna DeRusso
The Experiences of Stigma Amongst Practicing Music Therapists Living with Depression and/or Anxiety: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, Hally Batterman
The Experiences of Stress and Resilience on the Allostatic Load of Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Individuals During Secondary School: How Their Experiences Can Inform Best Practices, Kimberly Skye Ferina
The Lived Experience of Nurses Caring for People Experiencing Homelessness: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study, Debra Guerrini
The Lived Experience of Older Adults Using Telemedicine Services, Cathy Anne Cahill
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Critical Exploration of Unequal School Funding: Teacher Job Satisfaction Across Underfunded and Well-Funded Schools, David Tomasic
A Narrative Case Study: The Role of Culturally Responsive Mentorship to Navigate, Empower, and Level the Playing Field for Black and Brown Students in Higher Education, Chotsani Williams West
An Exploration into Art Therapists' Experiences of Collaboration with Music Therapists to Treat People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Heejoon Park Jun
A Psychometric Validation of the Provider Responses, Treatment, and Care for Trafficked People Instrument, Shaneke O. Pryce
Attitudes About Inclusivity Among Preservice Educators: A Mixed Methods Approach, Kathleen M. Quinn
Beaches, Bumps, and Milkshakes: A Humanizing, Open, and Dialogic, Postformal Autoethnographic Study of an Experiential Learning Academy, Eric Anthony Karahalis
Culturally Responsive Leadership: The Lived Experiences of Mid-Level Administrators in Public Education Navigating Competing Priorities, Ann Marie Bucco
Early Childhood Educators' Understanding and Perspectives of Music Therapy, Sophia G. Woods
Elementary English Language Learners' Perceptions of Teacher Care in the Classroom, Carol Boodram-Wright
Evaluation of Caring Behaviors in High-Fidelity Simulation Following a Caring Concept Educational Intervention, Debra Ann McWilliams
Exploring the Lived Experience of Significant Other Caregivers Providing Care to Partners Surviving a Spinal Cord Injury, Lisa Ann Lumley
Exploring the Phenomenon of College Students Who Are Experiencing Homelessness and Their Persistence to Graduation, Voniesha Samuels
Family Caregivers: From Invisible to Visible Within the Healthcare Continuum, Tara Anglim
How Music Therapists Experience Improvising with Nonspeaking Clients: A Thematic Analysis, Alexandra Timoshenko
I Do, You Do, We Do: Co-Teachers’ Perspectives of Self-Determination for Students with Dis/abilities, Jenna Theofield
Journeying Towards Connection in a Culture Circle with Six K-12 Educators: An Autoethnographic Study of Critical Praxis, Christine Daniels
Multilingual Learners' and Their Teachers' Perceptions of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Practices in the Mainstream Classroom: A Mixed-Method Approach, Nicki K. Gonias
Music Therapists' Perspectives on the Use of Heavy Metal Music in Music Therapy, Jessie E. Davis
Narratives That Matter: Special Education Teacher Stories and Experiences in Educating Black Students with Disabilities, Alana Akilah Thomas
New York State Emergency Department Assessment Treatment and Referral of Individuals Presenting to the Emergency Department with Opioid Use Disorder, Macia Victoria Drummond
Nurses' Perceptions of Music Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities: A Survey, Teressa Sambolin
Redesigning a Culturally Responsive Elementary Classroom, Emily Rose Bascelli
Secondary Data Analysis: Predictors of Employment Among Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy, Eduardo Santos del Rosario
"She Didn't Know How to Work with Black Kids" Exploring How Adolescent Black Girls in Private, Predominantly White Institutions Perceive Their White Teachers' Ability to Affirm and Uplift Their Intersectional Identities, Florence Marie Prophete-Barbour
Sheltered Instruction for Newcomer Multilingual Learners Through a Multicultural and Assimilation Lens: Administrators, Teachers, and Students’ Perceptions in a Middle-Level Education Setting, Victoria Rae Seelinger
Teaching and Learning That Takes Place in a Diverse English Classroom Through the Use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Sharon A. Dungee
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Tenured, Non-native Spanish Speaker-teachers: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Native Speaker Fallacy, Orsola Giovanna Dutra
Understanding the Qualities of an Effective Fieldwork Experience and How it Relates to Pre-service Teachers' Feelings of Self-efficacy and Preparedness, Renata Olczak Filipowicz
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Case Study Examining High-Achieving Black and Latinx Students’ Reasons for Using or Not Using Academic Support Services, Nafeeza Uddin-Schmidt
A Phenomenological Investigation of Academic Momism: Perceptions of Female College Faculty’s Role Expectations in High-Stakes STEM Courses, Donna Cempa-Danziger
A Thematic Analysis of the Clinician's Experience of Individual Music Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities with Older Adults, Jaycie Perretta
Cultural Competence and Motivation to Control Prejudiced Reactions of Criminal Justice Students: A Survey Methods Approach, Carole Marguerite Byrd
Decolonizing my Classroom During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Autoethnographic Study, Nadia Khan-Roopnarine
Descriptive, Comparative, and Correlational Study Related to End-of-Life Care Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak (Time 1) and 12 Months Following Lockdown (Time2), Elizabeth Infante
‘Let Them Be Who They Are’: Discovering Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Oppressive Normativity and Their Practice of Celebrating Neurodiversity, Caitlin Sweetapple
Mi Familia es Mi Fuerza, Yvonne Borkowski
Mixed Method- How Do Medical-Surgical Nurses Provide Compassionate Care to Patients in the Face of Adversity?, Diane D. Kret
Music Therapist Experiences of Meaningful Moments in Short-term Medical Settings: A Thematic Analysis, Haojie Lyu
Passing the Camel through the Eye of the Needle: Documenting a Culture of Teacher Praxis at an Affluent Catholic High School, Nicholas S. Vasiliades
Perceptions of Secondary Music Educators on the Transition to, and First Years of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Thomas Rizzuto
Professional Development For Veteran Teachers: Let Them Speak!, Livia M. Gama Fagundes
Relationships of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self-efficacy Among Obstetric Nurses Caring for Patients and Families with Perinatal Loss, Jennifer Baierlein
Seeing the World Through Their Eyes: The Impact of Place Attachment on Teachers' Understanding of Worldviews, Kathleen Murray
The Connections in Relationships Among Autistic and Neurotypical Adolescents Participating in a Virtual, Inclusive, Performative Music Therapy Group, Laura Silvestain
The Experiences of an Individual with Parkinson's Engaging in a Relationship-based, Improvisational Music Therapy Group, Daniel DeLucia
The Lived Experience of Older Adults with Visual Impairments and Their Integration Into Social and Recreational Activities in the Long-Term Care Setting: A Phenomenological Study, Julie Ann Conboy Russo
The Non-verbal Expressions and Experiences of an Autistic Adolescent in Improvisational, Relationship-based Music Therapy, Naoko Funahashi
The Role of Affinity Group Membership For Marginalized Music Therapy Students and Professionals, Fakoya A. Jack-Vilmar
Toward a Transdisciplinary Model of Social Justice in Academic Librarianship: Promoting Critical Awareness within Advocates and Privileged Allies, Judith L. Brink Drescher
Understanding the Homesick Experience Through the Narratives of First-Year College Residential Students, Talita Santos Ferrara
Urinary Incontinence in the Pre-Menopausal Woman and Impact on Quality of Life, Jacqueline Skene Kirk
Women in the Superintendency: A Phenomenological Study of Women Superintendents’ Perceptions of Social Capital, Victoria Catalano
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A Meaningful Paradox of Color-Blind Racism and Racial Literacy: Understanding the Phenomena of White Women Teachers Educating Students of Color, Alaisa Rigoni Grudzinski
A Narrative Inquiry: What Does It Mean to Be a Black Male Teacher?, Nathaniel Marner
An Exploration of Music Therapists' Experience of Simultaneous Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Nadia Mary Flutie
A Quantitative Analysis of Newly Practicing Nurses' Perceived Self-Efficacy, Assertiveness, and Interprofessional Collaboration, Janice Baglietto
A Study on the Perception and Influence of Whiteness in White Music Therapists, Maria Abramovich
Co-Creating a Culture of Belonging through the Relational Co-Teaching Framework: A Critical, Transformative Auto|Ethnography, Elizabeth L. Stein
Deconstructing the Clinician: An Auto-Ethnographic Study, Nicole Moy and Natalia Alvarez-Figueroa
Examining the Experiences of Nordoff-Robbins Level One Trainees Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, Gisela X. Berrones Cortez
Inpatient Pediatric Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices of Infant Safe Sleep, Francince Bono-Neri
Parents Raising Children with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities in Jamaica: A Grounded Theory Approach, Maureen Lowers-Roach
Positioning Co-Teachers in an Integrated English as a New Language Class: Making Sense of Teaching Roles, Kelley E. Cordeiro
Puppets in Music Therapy: A Qualitative Study, Kaitlyn Lewis
Racial and Ethnic Representation in Music Therapy Education, Eden M. Medina
Should Private Prisons in the U.S. be Abolished, Nancy Anzalone
The Development of Therapeutic Alliance in Long-Term and Short-Term Music Therapy Treatment, Brooke Morris
The Experience of Music Therapists in Delivering Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nicole Gelfand
The Influences of Language Barriers in Music Therapy, Kohei Mori
The Music Therapist’s Experience of Flow During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Kaitlyn Upshaw
The Music Therapist's Experience of the Client-Therapist Relationship in Improvisational Voicework: An Interpretive Phenomenological Inquiry, Samantha Schick
The Prevalence of Hip Hop Music in Music Therapy Education & Practice, Dannyele C. Crawford
The Role of Telehealth in Music Therapy Practice During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Through the Lens of the Music Therapist: A Survey, Brianne Brunick