Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Journal Title or Book Title

Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA) 2015

Publisher's Statement

PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEAST BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION © 2015 The Northeast Business & Economics Association reserves the right to publish the Proceedings in both print and electronic formats. The individual authors retain the copyright over their own articles.


Current events such as the recent removal of the CEO of United Airlines for being “bought” by port authority officials highlights the need to prepare students for ethical and effective participation in corporate, non-profit and civic life. Ongoing problems with the leadership of financial, political and social institutions, and increasingly diverse society and persistent inequities in the educational system point to the need for intentional learning opportunities that support the development of ethical leaders & informed citizens who are capable of solving complex social problems in a multicultural society.

Related Pillar(s)

Service, Study
