"Social Entrepreneurship: Marketing a Community Development Financial I" by Kisha Chandler MBA, Taylor English et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Journal Title or Book Title

Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA) 2015


Publisher's PDF

Publisher's Statement

PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEAST BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION © 2015 The Northeast Business & Economics Association reserves the right to publish the Proceedings in both print and electronic formats. The individual authors retain the copyright over their own articles.


This paper emerges from a pedagogical philosophy that business students should experience a real-world consulting client and project prior to graduation. An equally important component of this capstone experience is the opportunity for the students to study a problem, and to make a set of solution-driven recommendations, that will lead to social good.

This research is part of a series of conference papers from graduate students at Molloy College. Molloy College is rooted inthe Dominican tradition of study, spirituality, service, and community. Dominican education promotes the lifelong search for truth and the development of ethical leadership (Molloy College Mission Statement). The college them in 2012 was civic engagement; as a result, the business program capstone course was redesigned to provide the students with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge expected of Molloy graduates. Most important, the students demonstrate that they have developed the disposition to value and support business organizations whose missions include service to the community.

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