The 1st Annual Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference was held April 26, 2024 at the Hays Theatre. There were 8 oral presentations and 20 poster presentations across 5 Research Categories: Arts & Humanites, Education, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Physical Sciences & Mathematics.

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Oral Presentations
Friday, April 26th
10:00 AM

2024 Recorded Presentations

Molloy University

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

10:20 AM

Investigating the Influence of Prenatal Metals Exposures on Childhood Mitochondrial Biomarkers

Z'Dhanne Williams, Student presenter

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:20 AM - 10:25 AM

10:25 AM

The Effects of Code Switching Dialects for Black and Brown Professionals

Ashley Beaujuin, Student presenter
Hia Datta, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:25 AM - 10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Edward Boccia: A Crossroads of Italian-American History and Art

Audrey Michlig, Student presenter
Rosa JH Berland, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:30 AM - 10:35 AM

10:35 AM

Harnessing the power of anti-Inflammatory additives: A journey towards modulating microglial responses

Doriah Thomas, Student presenter
Martin Garcia, Student presenter
Katherine Rodriguez, Student presenter
Mary Kusenda, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:35 AM - 10:40 AM

10:40 AM

Understanding Speech-Language Pathologists and their Views in Palliative Care

Harrison Fiumaro, Student presenter
Hia Datta, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

10:40 AM - 10:45 AM

11:35 AM

Crassostra Virginca and Microplastics in The Great South Bay

Aiden Watson, Student presenter
Elizabeth Suter, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

11:35 AM - 11:40 AM

11:40 AM

Practicing what we preach: An understanding of vocal hygiene knowledge and practices in professional voice-users

Carolyn Nicholson, Student presenter
Hia Datta, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

11:40 AM - 11:45 AM

11:45 AM

Interplay of Quorum-Sensing Molecules and Yeast Growth Dynamics: Insights from Strain-Specific Responses

Lynn Jacques, Student presenter
Lauren Bentejac, Student presenter
Cristhian Granda, Student presenter
Natalie Moussa, Student presenter
Christopher Chery, Student presenter
Eimaan Shamoon, Student presenter
Robeily Moran, Student presenter
Li Li, Faculty mentor

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

11:45 AM - 11:50 AM