"From Baggins to Beowful and Back Again: Teaching (via) Tolkien" by Jeff Massey Ph.D.

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Journal Title or Book Title

In Concerning Hobbits: A Collection of Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien


Publisher's PDF

Publisher's Statement

Copyright remains with the author, Dr. Jeff Massey. The publication In Concerning Hobbits merely collected the papers presented at the University of St. Thomas Tolkien Conference


Beowulf, is traditionally at least, a difficult text for incoming freshmen. The Hobbit is arguably less so. In part this has much to do with their respective languages: one is so archaic as to seem foreign, the other is as comfortable as an old English shoe. One is a tale told to children around a quiet fire, the other an elegy shouted above raucous barbarians at beer. Beowulf is peppered with digressions, and shot through with violent revenge cycles. The Hobbit is a relatively straightfoward quest, adventures along the way notwithstanding. They are, on the surface at least, as distinct as night and day.

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