
Creative Commons License
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c. 1999
This is a polio vaccination commemorative printing containing a reproduction of the New York Times article and a commemorative envelope. This matted commemorative set highlights the importance of the polio vaccine which was announced in April 1955 to be safe and effective. The set coincided with the release of the Celebrate the Century 1950's USPS stamps in May 1999. The envelope contains the first day of issue for the "polio vaccine developed" stamp, which was part of the 1950's stamp collection. The New York Times article is a reproduction of the cover page from April 13, 1955 which announced the success of the Polio Vaccination.
Item Type
Material Type
Date Uploaded
28 X 0.2 X 35
Dimensions Notes
All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
Recommended Citation
The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing: Historical Collection. (2017). "Polio Vaccination Commemorative Printing" [Photograph]. Retrieved from