"Uniform: American Red Cross Volunteer D - 3" by Normadeane Armstrong Ph.D, A.N.P.


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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


c. 1948


This is an American Red Cross Volunteer indoor uniform worn by the National Blood Program branch. The light grey cotton fabric uniform indicates that the wearer was also part of the Grey Lady Service of the American Red Cross, which had become popularized during World War II. The red chevron worn at the base of the left sleeve indicates the wearer had over four years of service.

According to the label, the uniform was produced by Country Workshops located in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition, the uniform label has what appears to be the size of the uniform written in marker, B42, W34. This uniform seems to be missing the matching belt and cap associated with this uniform.

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42B, 34W

Dimensions Notes

Measurements are assumed to be dress size of uniform as that is what is written in on the label. All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
