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c. 1900
In 1841 Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation using diethyl ether as an anesthetic he pressed an ether- soaked towel against the patient's face to put him to sleep. He billed the patient $2, itemizing the cost of the ether as well as the operation.
This Anesthesia delivery system improved upon Dr. Crawford W. Long initial technique. The Schimmelbusch mask (shown above) was invented by Dr. Curt Schimmelbusch in 1890 and was used to hold a rag soaked in ether. The metal mask held an ether rag which covered the patient’s lower face and has a small handle at the base for the Anesthetist to hold. The glass bottles were used to hold the ether.
Item Type
medical equipment
Material Type
Date Uploaded
8 x 5.6 x 11.5
Dimensions Notes
All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
Recommended Citation
The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing: Historical Collection. (2017). "Anesthesia Delivery System - 1" [Photograph]. Retrieved from