
Creative Commons License
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36.3 x 54
This is a map of Paris France that was produced by the American Red Cross. The paper map was designed to be folded to pocket size (7.5 cm X 13.6 cm X 0.6 cm). Once unfolded the three maps are viable. Two maps are of Paris France in 1945, one of which is a metro map of Paris. The third map takes up the entire back of the two Paris maps and is a recycled part of a German map of Spain dated 1941.
Item Type
Material Type
Date Uploaded
36.3 x 54
Dimensions Notes
Measurement is of map completely unfolded. All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
Recommended Citation
The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing: Historical Collection. (2017). "Map of Paris - 2" [Photograph]. Retrieved from