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c. 1944
This is book 2 of the children’s book series Cherry Ames, written by Helen Wells. It was published by Grosset & Dunlap of New York. The front flyleaf of the book has the following phrase written at the top of the page "Michele A Schmeider 1275 Kings Ave, Cornwells Hgts PA. 19020" A scribble can be found below the text on the flyleaf and first title page. A faded text in pencil can be seen below the scribble on the first title page it reads "Love Bill 7/3/69."
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13 X 2 X 19.2
Dimensions Notes
All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
Recommended Citation
The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing: Historical Collection. (2018). "Toy: Cherry Ames Senior Nurse Book - 1" [Photograph]. Retrieved from