“Painting a Bigger Picture” Increase Knowledge of Art Therapy in Social Work with Unhoused Individuals through expert interviews and art portfolios

Amanda Budhram, Student presenter
Laurie C. Maldonado, Faculty mentor

Description (Abstract)

[This was withdrawn post-conference at the request of the faculty committee. Amanda withdraw the night before the conference due to an illness and did not present.]

The Social Work Intern conducted an AB single system design study to increase her knowledge on art therapy. The Social Work Intern’s Capstone research project target was herself and the target issue was the increase of knowledge on art therapy. The Social Work Intern’s intervention consisted of conducting expert interviews with professionals in the field, created a portfolio, implemented various art therapy techniques on self and others, and logged her knowledge through weekly self-rated scale along with her field supervisor completing weekly scales. The Social Work Intern predicted that her knowledge of art therapy will increase during and post-intervention. The Social Work Intern interviewed five art experts: four LCAT and 1 retired Social Work professor who facilitates an art workshop. The Social Work Intern’s knowledge increased greatly through her intervention.

Apr 26th, 11:30 AM Apr 26th, 11:35 AM

“Painting a Bigger Picture” Increase Knowledge of Art Therapy in Social Work with Unhoused Individuals through expert interviews and art portfolios

Hays Theatre, Wilbur Arts Building

[This was withdrawn post-conference at the request of the faculty committee. Amanda withdraw the night before the conference due to an illness and did not present.]

The Social Work Intern conducted an AB single system design study to increase her knowledge on art therapy. The Social Work Intern’s Capstone research project target was herself and the target issue was the increase of knowledge on art therapy. The Social Work Intern’s intervention consisted of conducting expert interviews with professionals in the field, created a portfolio, implemented various art therapy techniques on self and others, and logged her knowledge through weekly self-rated scale along with her field supervisor completing weekly scales. The Social Work Intern predicted that her knowledge of art therapy will increase during and post-intervention. The Social Work Intern interviewed five art experts: four LCAT and 1 retired Social Work professor who facilitates an art workshop. The Social Work Intern’s knowledge increased greatly through her intervention.