Theses and Dissertations from Molloy faculty. Some of these ETD were earned at Molloy and are also available in our Theses and Dissertations series as well as in ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses Global. Some of these ETD were earned at institutions outside of Molloy. They have been added with permission from the faculty member since they are not available elsewhere online. The copyright for all thesis and dissertations is held by the author.

If you are Molloy faculty and don't see your Molloy ETD listed or would like more information about adding your non-Molloy ETD, please email the DigitalCommons@Molloy administrator.

This series is divided by Dissertation and Thesis then sorted alphabetically by author's last name.




A National Study of Undergraduate Nursing Students' Early Consideration of Doctoral Education: What Characteristics Predict Students' Report of Intention and Readiness to Continue Graduate Education toward the Doctorate?, Renee Lynn Buonaguro


On the “Border Line of Tragedy”: White Slavery, Moral Protection, and the Travelers’ Aid Society of New York, 1885-1917, Eric C. Cimino


Positioning Co-Teachers in an Integrated English as a New Language Class: Making Sense of Teaching Roles, Kelley E. Cordeiro


Mothers Voices: The Lived Experience of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America Milk Donor, Laura Marie Dambra-Candelaria


Understanding the Homesick Experience Through the Narratives of First-Year College Residential Students, Talita Santos Ferrara


Male Nurses’ Experience Of Gender Stereotyping Over The Past Five Decades: A Narrative Approach, Michael W. Finnegan


Middle school students’ knowledge of skin cancer, sun protective behaviors, and perceptions of acquiring skin cancer., Anna George


A Descriptive Mixed-Methods Study Examining Resilience and Transitioning to Adulthood among Emerging Adults with Disabilities, Jennifer E. Mannino


Virtual and Hands-on Laboratory Environments in the Science Classroom: The Effect of Prior Science Achievement, Michael A. Marino Ed.D.


Religious Sister Educators: A Narrative Study Through a Feminist Lens, Lisa Peluso


A Descriptive Correlational Study of Factors Reported to Negatively Impact Memory in Women Who Have Received Treatment For Breast Cancer in Relation to COVID-19, Heather Reens


Perceptions of Secondary Music Educators on the Transition to, and First Years of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Thomas Rizzuto


The Driving Forces behind Changes in Catholic Schools in the Eastern Region of the United States, Denise T. Smith


Health Information Security and Privacy: A Social Science Exploration of Nurses' Knowledge and Risk Behaviors with Security and Privacy Issues Focusing on Mobile Device Usage, Keith Richard Weiner



A Closer Exploration of Therapeutic Relationship through a Musical Mediuem: An Arts-Based Research Study, Michael Kelliher