"A Narrative Analysis of Psychological Adjustments of Professionals Tra" by Mabel Munachiso Korie

Date of Award


Document Type


Selected Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Nursing




This research study was a narrative analysis of the psychological adjustment of professionals transitioning to work after a cerebral vascular accident, commonly known as a stroke. The purpose of this research was to explore the psychological adjustment of professionals who returned to work after a stroke following their subsequent rehabilitation. This has been an important subject because stroke research predominantly addresses older adults, which means that there has not been enough information on the experience of affected working-age professionals. The Roy Adaptation Model and Social Cognitive Theory were the frameworks for the study. The data collected were from audio-recorded and transcribed answers to open-ended interview questions completed on a sample of 10 post-cerebrovascular accident (CVA) professionals. The data analysis involved the steps of the paradigmatic narrative analysis approach, with results compared to the previous literature review and discussed in light of the frameworks established for the study. The paradigmatic analysis revealed eight major thematic events experienced and shared by the majority of the sample as they told their stories about the psychological adjustments of transitioning to work after a CVA. This narrative inquiry enabled subjects to share their stories and experiences to help fill a gap in knowledge regarding the psychological adjustment of professionals after a stroke experience. The results of the study led to recommendations for leaders and suggestions for future research.

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