"Let's Talk Speech! Volume 7 Issue 1" by Barbara T. Schmidt Ph.D.

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2014


The 2013-2014 academic year has been filled with memorable events. As you read, I think you will get a sense of how our department has grown and how many things we are grateful for. First, this academic year brought us 20 new graduate students to add to the 19 we already had. Students coming from approximately 16 different undergraduate programs have filled the halls with activity. The clinical educators, faculty and staff welcomed all of them and have enjoyed working with them. We will be reluctant to see our 2 nd year students leave us in May, but we look forward to hearing of their professional accomplishments in the future. Likewise, our undergraduate seniors have a variety of goals following graduation. Some of them will be pursuing a career in speech language pathology, while others will move into education, special education and business. Second, we welcomed a new faculty member to the department this year. Dr. Sandy White, a past president of the Long Island Speech, Language and Hearing Association was a practicing speech-language pathologist for many years in the Long Island public school system before joining us here at Molloy. Thirdly, I am pleased to report that we were once again awarded the “College of Excellence Award 2013” by Autism Speaks. This is the second consecutive year we have received this recognition and I am proud of “team Molloy” under the leadership of Professor Alimonti! 2013-14 will be hard to forget. Clearly, we have NEVER had so many snow days. It seemed that every Monday we braced ourselves for another closing. Despite this disruption, students and faculty pulled together, attended makeup classes, and made the best of it. Although we had numerous snow days and struggled to make up classes, that did not stop the SLP Graduate Admissions Committee from reviewing the almost 300 applications that were processed in February and March 2014. Potential graduate students traveled from as far away as California to meet and discuss our program. Clearly, we are grateful for another wonderful year. As you read this newsletter I hope that it triggers fond memories of

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