CERCOM Faculty Works | Center for Environmental Research and Coastal Oceans Monitoring (CERCOM) | Molloy University

This series highlights faculty work from CERCOM. It is not limited to published articles but can include any type of published or unpublished works such as: articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, conference proceedings, data sets, editorials, keynotes, grey literature, lectures, presentations, posters, reports, and white papers. Each work’s record page includes all available citation information.
Starting in 2024, new submissions will be available in either Faculty Publications or Faculty Presentations.


Submissions from 2016


Questioning Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration Practices in a Major Urban Estuary: Perpetuating Myths of Degradation in Spite of Facts, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D., Martin P. Schreibman, and Kevin McDonnell

Submissions from 2007


Long-term Sediment Bioassay of Lead Toxicity in Two Generations of the Marine Amphipod Elasmopus laevis, S.I. Smith, 1873, Mark J. Ringenary, Alan H. Molof, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D., Martin P. Schriebmann, and Konstantinos Kostarelos

Submissions from 2006


Horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) in an urban estuary (Jamaica Bay, New York) and the potential for ecological restoration, Mark L. Botton, Robert E. Loveland, Tomio Itow, and John Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 2004


Limulus In the Limelight: Exploring An Ancient Species, John Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 2003


Habitat Use of Sympatrically Nesting Fish Crows and American Crows, Brook Lauro and John Tanacredi Ph.D.


Water Quality Characterization and Mathematical Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen in the East and West Ponds, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Krishnanand Maillacheruvu, D Roy, and John Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 2002


An Examination of Predatory Pressures on Piping Plovers Nesting at Breezy Point, New York, Brook Lauro and John Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 2001


Managing Birds and Controlling Aircraft in the Kennedy Airport–Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Complex: The Need for Hard Data and Soft Opinions, Kevin Brown, R. Michael Erwin, Milo E. Richmond, P A. Buckley, John Tanacredi Ph.D., and Dave Avrin

Submissions from 2000


Phytosociological analysis of restored and managed grassland habitat within an urban national park, Andrew M. Greller, Celestine Durando, Leslie F. Marcus, D. Siril A. Wijesundara, Michael D. Byer, Robert Cook, and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1997


Changes in reproductive morphology and physiology observed in the amphipod crustacean, Melita nitida Smith, maintained in the laboratory on polluted estuarine sediments, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D., B. Borowsky, and P. Aitken-Ander

Submissions from 1996


Rare and endangered plants at Gateway National Recreation Area: a case for protection of urban natural areas, Richard Stalter, Michael D. Byer, and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1994


Liver lesions in winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) from Jamaica Bay, New York: Indications of environmental degradation, Thomas P. Augspurger, Roger L. Herman, Jeff S. Hatfield, and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1993


Rotating Biological Contractors as an Effective Removal System of Waste Petroleum Hydrocarbons from Untreated Wastewaters, John Tanacredi Ph.D. and R. C. Cardenas


The effects of low doses of waste crankcase oil on Melita nitida Smith (Crustacea:Amphipoda), Betty Borowsky, Pamela Aitken-Ander, and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.


Variability in Growth and Age Structure Among Populations of Ribbed Mussels, Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), in Jamacia Bay, New York (Gateway NRA), David R. Franz and John Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1992


Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the Kinetics of Depuration in Bivalve Molluscs, Mercenaria Mercenaria, C Sato, H Kim, and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.


Secondary production of the amphipod Ampelisca abdita mills and its importance in the diet of juvenile winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) in Jamaica Bay, New York, David R. Franz and John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1991


Biodepuration of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from a bivalve mollusk, Mercenaria mercenaria L, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D. and Raul R. Cardenas

Submissions from 1990


Naphthalenes associated with treated wastewater effluents in an urban national wildlife refuge, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1989


Tidal Flat Ecology: An Experimental Approach to Species Interactions by K. Riess, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1987


Studies in Outdoor Recreation: Search and Research for Satisfaction by Robert E. Manning, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.


Waterlogged Wealth: Why Waste the Worlds Wet Places by Edward Maltby, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1983


Coastal Zone Management Practices at an Urban National Park, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.

Submissions from 1977


Petroleum Hydrocarbons from Effluents: Detection in Marine Environment, John T. Tanacredi Ph.D.