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Conference Presentation

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Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings 2008


Publisher's PDF


This panel theme has evolved from a broader research agenda on defining and understanding the process of educating the individuals who hold management positions in non-traditional businesses. Examples of such non-traditional business managers, and the graduate degrees they hold, include: Library Directors (MLS), Pastors (M.Div), Primary and Secondary School Principals (Ed.D), Museum Directors (MFA), College Provosts and Presidents (Ph.D.) and Physicians (M.D.). The academic preparation for an individual earning a discipline-specific degree, as described above, is fundamentally different from that taken by the individual who has sought an advanced degree in management with the intention of assuming a leadership role within any industry. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is the terminal degree that prepares an individual to be a manager regardless of discipline. The Library Director position is the prevalent managerial position within the library profession. Librarians work in a broad range of institutions and perform a broad range of functions; in the performance of these multitudinous functions there exists the role of management. Library directors must deal with all the personnel decisions related to full-time, hourly and student employees. Depending on the organizational structure of their institutions, they must work with union employees and/or non-union employees. They must be aware of the range of human resource related topics, such as reasonable accommodation, sexual harassment, fair labor standards, equal employment opportunity provisions, and more. (Mackenzie and Smith 2007). Where do library directors, and the librarians

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