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Peer-Reviewed Article

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American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences






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Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy among women in the United States. As such, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused medical facilities to change their methods of operation since March of 2020, including changes in diagnosis and treatment plans. New York (NY) has an unusually high incidence of breast cancer. This study analyzed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer care (BCC) in NY. Women in NY that were diagnosed with or in remission for breast cancer were asked to take an online, anonymous survey regarding their BCC experience. For patients in treatment, 26% of women wished they had greater emotional support or had a family member included in their appointments. 39% of women do not feel they are receiving as good of care as before, while 31% feel they are receiving the same level of care. Additionally, 41% of women feel they received the same level of care over telemedicine. Our data show a negative correlation between the quality of care received during the pandemic and the wish for more emotional support and inclusion of supportive members in the care process (nonsignificant). There was less of a negative correlation between the quality of telemedicine care received during the pandemic and the wish for more emotional support and inclusion of supportive members in the care process (nonsignificant). This indicates that most women lacking emotional support reported worse BCC experiences, and telemedicine use was not as troublesome to patients as the lack of emotional support. Most women in treatment and in remission reported negative feelings like fear when asked about their BCC experiences. Our data show the importance of emotional support for breast cancer patients and those in remission during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work could also provide clinicians with the knowledge necessary on how breast cancer care should be handled in an evolving pandemic such as COVID-19.

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Original publication can be found on the American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences website.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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