This series highlights faculty publications from Music Therapy. It can include published or unpublished works such as articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, data sets, editorials, grey literature, reports, and white papers. Each record page includes all available citation information.


Publications from 2024


Intersections of trauma and grief: Navigating multilayered terrain in music therapy to support youth through bereavement, Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC

Submissions from 2021


Conducting Clinical Studies in Community Health Settings: Challenges and Opportunities for Music Therapists, Clarissa Lacson MA, MT-BC; Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC; Amy Kesslick MA, MT-BC, LPC; Caitlin Krater MS, MT-BC; and Joke Bradt


Learning by Doing: Student Experiences in a Mixed Methods Research Course, Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC; Maliha Ibrahim; Karolina Bryl; Janelle S. Junkin; and Joke Bradt

Submissions from 2017


Active-duty military service members’ visual representations of PTSD and TBI in masks, Melissa S. Walker; Girija Kaimal; Adel M.L. Gonzaga; Katherine Myers-Coffman PhD, MT-BC; and Thomas J. DeGraba


Music Therapy in the South Asian American Diaspora, Sangeeta Swamy Ph.D., MT-BC

Submissions from 2016


Multicultural Considerations in Music Therapy Research, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC and Cochavit Elefant

Submissions from 2015


Acculturative Stress Reducation and Cultural Adjustment in Music Therapy, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC


Music Therapy and Cultural Diversity, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC and Annette Whitehead-Pleaux

Submissions from 2014


13th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy: The Conference Organizers - An Interview, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC


Introduction to the XIII World Congress of Music Therapy in Seoul, Korea, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC


Memories from the 13th World Congress of Music Therapy, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC

Submissions from 2013


Bringing My Asian Identity to Light Through Acculturation, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC and Susan Hadley


Stress Reduction and Wellness, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC


The Cultural Integrity of a Music Therapist in Analytical Music Therapy-Oriented Supervision (AMTOS), Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC

Submissions from 2011


Analytical Music Therapy-oriented Supervision (AMTOS) Examined within the Context of Asian Cultures, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC

Submissions from 2010


Presenting Carly and Elliot: Exploring Roles and Relationships in a Mother-Son Dyad in Nordoff-Robbins, Suzanne Sorel D.A., M.T.-B.C., L.C.A.T

Submissions from 2008


The Supervisee's Experience in Cross-Cultural Music Therapy Supervision, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC

Submissions from 2007


Feminism and Music Therapy in Korea, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC

Submissions from 2003


The Effects of Auditory Perception and Musical Preference on Anxiety in Naive Human Subjects, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC; Elliott Salamon; Steven R. Bernstein; Minsun Kim; and George B. Stefano


The Nature of Sound and Music, Seung-A Kim Ph.D., L.C.A.T., MT-BC