
Angel A. Park

Date of Award


Document Type


Copyright Status, No Creative Commons License

All Rights Reserved

Degree Name

Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy

First Advisor

Dr. Seung-A Kim


The purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical framework (i.e., cognitive behavior, psychodynamic, humanistic) used by music therapists during group music therapy sessions for adults residing in inpatient psychiatric hospitals. Three participants were interviewed via Skype. A descriptive analysis was used to identify each participant’s theoretical orientations, methods of assessment, treatment, and evaluation, while his or her perspective on the benefits and challenges of implementing each respective theoretical orientation was also noted. The results showed that regardless of theoretical orientation, all participants use improvisation to assess and evaluate clients’ progress for treatment. Each theoretical orientation inherently contains its own benefits and challenges. In addition, crossovers between the three theoretical orientations are observed. While the participants appear to work under their stated orientations, they find it necessary to adapt some principles and interventions of other theoretical orientations, due to the complex nature of the population and the facility’s philosophy. The implications for music therapy are discussed.

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