Date of Award
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Copyright Status, No Creative Commons License
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Degree Name
Master of Science in Music Therapy
Music Therapy
First Advisor
Dr. Amanda MacRae
This study explored the experience of music therapists when implementing puppets in their clinical work. The research questions guiding this inquiry were as follows: 1) What is the experience of the music therapist when using puppets in music therapy? 2) How does the use of puppetry in music therapy influence the clinical work of the music therapist? and 3) How does the use of puppetry in music therapy influence the therapeutic process of the client (as perceived by the music therapist?) Four music therapists participated in semi-structured interviews regarding their experience and insight in using puppets with their clients. After reviewing the data from their interviews, an inductive thematic analysis was used to determine themes from the information they gave. Five themes emerged and were supported with participant quotes. The themes were: (1) puppets to increase attention, (2) puppets as a motivation for engagement, (3) puppets as an object for expression, (4) puppets as facilitators of connection, and (5) the limitations and contraindications of using puppets. These themes were discussed as they related to the research question. The results showed that the addition of puppets to music therapy have been seen to increase attention, engagement, expression, and connections among clients. Findings from this study may enhance music therapists’ understanding of the use of puppetry in music therapy.
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Recommended Citation
Lewis, Kaitlyn, "Puppets in Music Therapy: A Qualitative Study" (2021). Theses & Dissertations. 113.