Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Journal Title or Book Title

Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA) 2021


Publisher's PDF

Publisher's Statement

PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEAST BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION © 2021 The Northeast Business & Economics Association reserves the right to publish the Proceedings in both print and electronic formats. The individual authors retain the copyright over their own articles.


The marketing research completed by students who are in their senior year of study at Molloy College proved yet again to be a rewarding experience for all parties involved. Student success came about while working harmoniously as a team to complete a fourteen-week research project that helped develop their professional as well as personal skills throughout the capstone experience. The students worked with a ‘live’ non-profit located on Long Island and their efforts proved to serve society well while moving their mission forward. This senior project promotes civic engagement within our local community while continuing to be beneficial toward their skills and disposition when entering into the business world. The students were charged with putting together turnkey recommendations that would assist the non-profit toward building upon their local relationships to fulfill its mission. This would subsequently lead to a better understanding of the great work that their assigned non-profit partakes in while embracing their efforts via social responsibility.

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