"Mada Refill Adapter" by Normadeane Armstrong Ph.D, A.N.P.


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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


1969 - 1985


This is a Mada Refill Adapter #1306 which was used in the process of refilling Mada oxygen tanks such as the MadaSphere. This adapter was found inside the box for the Mada portable oxygen kit which is part of our collection. The stainless steel adapter was housed in a plastic tube with cover. Instructions for refilling with the adapter were also found in the tube as well.

To view the Mada portable oxygen kit, the papers associated with this kit or the Mada advertisement please click on the links below.

Portable Oxygen Kit

Mada Oxygen Papers

Advertisement: Mada Oxygen

Item Type

medical equipment

Material Type


Number of Pieces


Date Uploaded


Dimensions Notes

All measurements were taken in centimeters. Measurements are listed as “length by width by height” or “height by diameter” unless otherwise noted.
