Date of Award


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Copyright Status, No Creative Commons License

All Rights Reserved

Degree Name

Master of Science in Music Therapy


Music Therapy

First Advisor

Dr. Amanda MacRae


This qualitative research study explored the music therapist’s experience of conducting individual music therapy sessions with older adult clients residing in skilled nursing facilities. Three music therapists partook in semi-structured interviews discussing their individual experiences conducting individual music therapy sessions with older adult clients in skilled nursing facilities. Participant interview transcripts were the primary data source and thematic analysis was used to elicit themes in the data. Five themes emerged: (a) theoretical framework, (b) client preferred music used in individual music therapy sessions (c) flexibility in individual sessions, (d) structured sessions for group work, and (e) advocacy for music therapy in skilled nursing facilities. The findings indicate individual music therapy sessions provide more flexibility within the session space while group sessions provide more structure and are more for community wellness. Individual sessions target the client’s emotional needs on a deeper level and give more opportunities for clients who are unable to participate in groups to the best of their abilities.

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